Research Interest of Mohammad Edalati

      Publication 1: On singular effective superpotentials in supersymmetric gauge theories (URL)
      Publication 2: Generalized Konishi anomaly, Seiberg duality and singular effective superpotentials (URL)
      Publication 3: Sp(N) higher-derivative F-terms via singular superpotentials (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

My research centers around various aspects of string/M theory and its connections to gauge theories with various amounts of supersymmetry. In particular, I am interested in: 1) Time-dependent backgrounds in string/M theory. In collaboration with Prof. Sumit Das and Dr. Jeremy Michelson of the University of Kentucky, I have recently started to work on time-dependent backgrounds in string/M theory, especially the recent matrix big bang model of B. Craps, S. Sethi and E. Verlinde. The M-theory lift of the light-like linear background of type IIA superstring theory is singular and resembles a big-bang type singularity. Therefore such a background provides a toy model to study a big bang in string theory. It turns out that light can be shed on the physics of the singularity in the sense that the dual matrix description of the theory, which is a 1+1-dimensional super Yang-Mills on the Milne orbifold, is free at the time of the big-bang. One can then study the quantum effects in this matrix theory. In particular, it has been shown that there exists a one-loop potential which vanishes at the big bang time. A natural extension of this model would be to construct similar singular cosmological type solutions in type IIB theory, and lift them to M-theory to study the physics around the singularity using the holographic dual description in terms of a matrix super Yang-Mills theory. We are currently working on such generalizations. 2) AdS/CFT correspondence. In collaboration with my advisor, Prof. Philip Argyres, and Dr. Justin Vazquez-Poritz, I am currently investigating the holographic picture of D3-branes on Calabi-Yau cones. A recently-found countably infinite family of Sasaki-Einstein spaces form the base of the cone. Although these Sasaki-Einstein spaces are regular, the corresponding Calabi-Yau cones have a curvature singularity at the apex. The singularity can be smoothed out, just for a special case, by deforming the cone and adding fractional 3-branes, providing a geometrical realization of chiral symmetry breaking and confinement in the IR regime of the dual gauge theory. However, this singularity resolution procedure does not work (past a first-order deformation) for the rest of Sasaki-Einstein base spaces. We have constructed an alternative method in which the 3-branes are wrapped on a circle which is fibred over a resolved Calabi-Yau cone. One of the interesting features of our method is that these wrapped 3-branes provide an infinite number of holographic flows from a four dimensional N=1 superconformal gauge theory in the UV limit to a confining N=2 three dimensional gauge theory in the IR regime [1]. 3) Supersymmetric gauge theories and their D-brane realizations. I have also been working on the superpotentials of N =1 supersymmetric gauge theories. Despite much progress in these theories, their effective superpotentials for the case of many flavors have not been discussed in the literature. This is partly because the effective superpotentials are singular when expressed in terms of the local gauge-invariant chiral fields, and a naive analysis shows that they cannot give the correct description of the moduli space of vacua. We have shown that the singularities are not actually a problem and the effective superpotentials must exist, correctly describe the moduli space of vacua, are consistent under RG flow to fewer flavors upon turning on masses, and reproduce by a tree-level calculation the higher-derivative F-terms calculated by C. Beasely and E. Witten using instanton methods. We have first illustrated the above statements in the simplest case: four dimensional SU(2) supersymmetric gauge theory with m massless flavors in the fundamental representation [2]. We have then generalized our study to higer-rank SU(n) gauge groups. It has been shown that the generalized Konishi anomaly equations are useful in determining the effective superpotentials of various N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. These equations become very complicated when applied for SU(n) supersymmetric gauge theories with a large number of flavors. But, we have been able to dramatically simplify them for m=n+2 flavors. In this case, we have shown that the generalized Konishi anomaly equations are not integrable to give the effective superpotential of the theory, in accordance with our general expectations. Nevertheless, we have derived the effective superpotential using the Seiberg dual description of the theory [3]. In a similar vein, we have also considered Sp(n) gauge groups and, using some consistency checks, have demonstrated that the singular effective superpotentials are indeed perfectly sensible, as well [4]. We also noted that perfectly sensible singular effective superpotentials can also exist in supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions; for example, on the Higgs branch of the three dimensional N =2 SU(2) supersymmetric gauge theories. 3) Solitons and their D-brane realizations. I am working on another project exploring supersymmetric gauge theories and string theory: solitons in supersymmetric gauge theories and their D-brane realizations, in collaboration with Professor David Tong of Cambridge University. In particular, we are studying the two dimensional (0, 2) dynamics of the vortex string worldsheet (heterotic vortex string). Given the quantitative correspondence between two dimensional sigma models and four dimensional gauge theories, we are trying to understand how some aspects of N=1 gauge theories in four dimensions, like Seiberg duality, appears in two dimensions, and vice versa. Publications and pre-prints: [1] P. C. Argyres, M. Edalati and J. Vazquez-Poritz, Orbifolds of special holonomy and confining gauge theories, to appear soon. [2] P. C. Argyres and M. Edalati, On singular effective superpotentials in supersymmetric gauge theories, J. High Energy Physics. 01 (2006) 012, [hep-th/0510020]. [3] P. C. Argyres and M. Edalati, Generalized Konishi anomaly, Seiberg duality, and singular effective superpotentials, J. High Energy Physics. 02 (2006) 071, [hep-th/0511272]. [4] P. C. Argyres and M. Edalati, \Sp(N) higher-derivative F-terms via singular superpotentials, [hep-th/0603025]. [5] M. Edalati and D. Tong, Heterotic vortex string, to appear soon.