Publication 1: Fractional Branes and Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (URL) Publication 2: An Infinite Family of Superconformal Quiver Gauge Theories with Sasaki-Einstein Duals (URL) Publication 3: D=4 Chiral String Compactifications from Intersecting Branes (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
I have pursued various lines of research in String Theory. The main underlying focus has been on the construction of gauge theories and the study of their dynamics using D- branes. My research ranges from the quest of phenomenological constructions in String Theory to the exploration of possible generalizations of known field theory dualities. The following list offers a summary of the main contributions of my work. =========================================================== Intersecting brane worlds =========================================================== I have worked in the construction of intersecting brane models with phenomenological features. In these models, different Standard Model gauge interactions propagate on different (intersecting) brane worlds, partially wrapped in extra dimensions. Quarks and leptons live at brane intersections, and are located at points separated in the extra dimensions. Replication of families arises from multiple brane intersections. Hierarchical Yukawa couplings appear naturally. Finally, the proton is stable due to discrete symmetries arising from world-sheet selection rules, exact to all orders in perturbation theory. These models have been steadily perfected since our original papers, becoming at present one of the most successful constructions in string phenomenology. Furthermore, several of the ideas introduced with them have also served as inspiration for non-String Theory model building. =========================================================== D-branes on toric singularities, Toric Duality and generalizations =========================================================== I have studied supersymmetric gauge theories arising on the world-volume of D-branes transverse to algebraic singularities. Dualities of the type of Seiberg Duality are easily understood and derived when embedding the gauge theories in String Theory. An interesting set of gauge theories is the one of those that live on the world-volume of D3-branes probing toric singularities. Given a geometry, these theories are not uniquely determined. Thus, by considering D3-branes probing non-compact, toric, singular Calabi-Yau manifolds we are lead to more than one low energy gauge theory descriptions with the same toric geometry as their moduli space. This phenomenon is the essence of Toric Duality, which is a generalization of Seiberg Duality for theories with toric moduli spaces. It is a full equivalence between distinct N=1, d=4 gauge theories in the IR limit. Microscopic theories with different matter content and interactions become indistinguishable when we consider the long distance physics they describe. Part of my research has been devoted to improving our understanding of Toric Duality. We developed a technique for deriving four dimensional gauge theories on D3-branes on toric singularities based on (p,q) webs. This type IIB construction is useful in defining 5d fixed points as well as studying dynamics of 5d gauge theories, but also in describing toric varieties and their associated 4d gauge theories. The gauge theory on the world-volume of a D3-brane probing a toric singularity can be computed using local mirror symmetry from the geometric information encoded in the corresponding (p,q) web. This method enables an easy visualization of the connections between different theories associated with the same geometry as well as between theories for different singularities, making the derivation of dual theories straightforward. =========================================================== Duality cascades and duality walls =========================================================== Extending the AdS/CFT correspondence to theories with a small amount of supersymmetry that are not scale invariant is of central significance in order to make contact with realistic theories such as QCD. With this goal in mind, we studied the non-conformal gauge theories on D3-branes probing toric singularities that are constructed by the addition of fractional branes. The RG flows associated with these theories extend the well studied Klebanov- Strassler cascade. We developed a general methodology that computes the beta functions, including the contributions of anomalous dimensions. We applied this framework to study gauge theories for the Zeroth Hirzebruch surface. In this case, we found the existence of 'duality walls', which correspond to an energy scale in the UV beyond which dualities cannot proceed. Later, we extended the field theory analysis of such cascades, finding analytical expressions describing the flows and duality walls. We found evidence that such flows are often chaotic and show self-similar fractal features. For a gauge theory dual to CP^2 blown up at a point, we found periodic and quasi-periodic behavior for the gauge theory couplings that does not violate the a-conjecture. Finally, we constructed supergravity duals for del Pezzos that matched our field theory beta functions. =========================================================== Gauge Theories for Sasaki-Einstein manifolds =========================================================== Recently, the Y^{p,q} and L^{a,b,c} families of 5d Sasaki- Einstein metrics were constructed. These are infinite classes of spaces with $S^2 \times S^3$ topology. The metric cones over these manifolds are toric. We found the infinite families of N=1, 4d, superconformal quiver gauge theories that are AdS/CFT dual to these explicit horizon Sasaki-Einstein manifolds. We provided a general set of rules for extracting the data defining a quiver gauge theory from a given toric Calabi- Yau singularity. Our methods combine information from the geometry and topology of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, AdS/CFT, dimers, and brane tilings. We performed many nontrivial checks of the AdS/CFT correspondence on these theories, such as central charge and R-charge computations from volume calculations on the string side and a- maximization on the gauge theory side. =========================================================== Brane Dimers and Quiver Gauge Theories =========================================================== We developed a technique that enables one to quickly compute an infinite number of toric geometries and their dual quiver gauge theories. The central object in this construction is a ``brane tiling,'' which encodes the gauge group, matter content and tree-level superpotential of the gauge theory. The brane tiling can be interpreted as a physical configuration of D5-branes ending on an NS5- brane wrapping a holomorphic curve. Brane tilings give the largest class of N=1 quiver gauge theories yet studied. The key point in this approach is a one-to-one correspondence between perfect matchings in the brane tiling and fields in the linear sigma model construction of the toric moduli space. =========================================================== Fractional Branes and Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking =========================================================== We investigated the dynamics of fractional branes at toric singularities. We found that generically the field theories on such fractional branes show dynamical supersymmetry breaking, due to the appearance of non- perturbative superpotentials. This happens when the complex deformation associated with a given fractional brane is obstructed. In special cases, one recovers the known cases of supersymmetric infrared behaviors, associated to SYM confinement (mapped to complex deformations of the dual geometries, in the gauge/string correspondence sense) or N=2 fractional branes. In the supersymmetry breaking cases, when the dynamics of closed string moduli at the singularity is included, the theories show a runaway behavior (involving moduli such as FI terms or equivalently dibaryonic operators), rather than stable non-supersymmetric minima. I am working on extending the lines of research detailed above in various directions. In addition, I am currently also involved in projects dealing with: - Possible application of dimer model ideas to the determination of gauge theories on D3-branes probing orientifolds of toric singularities. - Gauge theory dual of closed string tachyon condensation on non-supersymmetric orbifolds.