Research Interest of Emiliano Imeroni

      Publication 1: Predictions for orientifold field theories from type 0' string theory (URL)
      Publication 2: c=1 from c<1: Bulk and boundary correlators (URL)
      Publication 3: Non-perturbative gauge superpotentials from supergravity (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

My main interest lies in the gauge/string theory correspondence, in particular in extending the correspondence towards more realistic gauge theories. Recently I have been working on the study of the correspondence in several directions, including non-supersymmetric setups, the inclusion of matter degrees of freedom in the fundamental representation, and the use of the framework of generalized structure manifolds and flux compactifications. I have also been interested in non-critical string theories as a laboratory for addressing issues in the gauge/string duality.