Research Interest of Emanuel Scheidegger

      Publication 1: Moduli stabilization in toroidal type IIB orientifolds (URL)
      Publication 2: Topological string amplitudes, complete intersection Calabi-Yau spaces and threshold corrections (URL)
      Publication 3: Topological Strings on K3 Fibrations (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

I am interested in topological strings on compact Calabi-Yau threefolds with and without fluxes or branes. Currently I am working on two topics: One is the construction of orientifolds of resolved toroidal orbifold and the study of their topology, in particular the intersection ring. The other is the computation of higher genus Gopakumar-Vafa and Donaldson Thomas invariant for K3 fibrations by using modular forms which are determined by the fibrations structure.