Research Interest of Atle Hahn

      Publication 1:  The Wilson Loop Observables of Chern-Simons Theory on ℜ3 in Axial Gauge    (URL)
      Publication 2: An analytic Approach to Turaev's Shadow Invariant (URL)
      Publication 3: The Chern-Simons path integral and the quantum Racah formula (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

Main Research Area: Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT) Main questions studied in recent years: 1) Is it possible to derive the algebraic objects appearing in the quantum group approach to TQFT by Reshetikhin & Turaev directly from the Chern-Simons path integral? 2) Is it possible to make rigorous sense of the Chern-Simons path integral (after a suitable gauge fixing) using techniques from Stochastic Analysis?