Publication 1: n/a (URL) Publication 2: (URL) Publication 3: (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
I am a student of Savdeep Sethi, and I am primarily interested in spacetime and worldsheet aspects of flux compactifications and supersymmetric field theories. In my work with Savdeep Sethi we have constructed a new class of type IIB solutions. These solutions have some novel properties, being the first known compact SU(2)-structure solutions, which are well-defined non-geometrically. Further, we have constructed a duality which realizes them as a generalization of `F-theory' type solutions. This work will be published in early May. I also have an interest in constructing a worldsheet description of RR vacua using the Hybrid formalism. In particular, I am trying to construct a worldsheet description of the aforementioned type IIB vacua. I have also worked on aspects of supersymmetric field theories, in particular N=4 SYM.