Research Interest of Ilarion Melnikov

      Publication 1: Instantons, Hypermultiplets and the Heterotic String (URL)
      Publication 2: Non-Local Observables in the A-model (URL)
      Publication 3: A-Model Correlators from the Coulomb Branch (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

My current projects include 1. Torsion solutions via (generalized) gauged linear sigma models--- this work has fun connections to generalized complex geometry and may be a nice way to obtain exactly computable results via twisting. 2. Applications of localization techniques to theories of topological matter coupled to topological gravity on the world-sheet. A more geometrical project is a study of 3. First order Lagrangians on the space of almost complex structures, whose fixed points include integrable complex structures. In general, I am interested in the physics of perturbative strings in non-trivial backgrounds---highly curved manifolds, solutions with torsion, and hopefully eventually with Ramond-Ramond fluxes. Understanding these often involves unravelling non-perturbative alpha' effects by a combination of geometric and field-theoretic techniques.