Publication 1: Nonsupersymmetric Brane/Antibrane Configurations in Type IIA and M Theory (URL) Publication 2: Spinning strings as small black rings (URL) Publication 3: Massless black holes and black rings as effective geometries of the D1-D5 system (URL) URL of Research: N/A Statement of Interest:
I am interested in string theory, including nonsupersymmetric metastable states in string theory and gauge theory. Recently, it was realized that nonsupersymmetric metastable states are ubiquitous in gauge theory and string theory. Our universe being nonsupersymmetric, studies of such nonsusy configurations are of essential importance. In work with J. Marsano and K. Papadodimas to appear very soon (hopefully this week or the next), we studied nonsupersymmetric states in type IIA/M-theory obtained by suspending D4-branes and anti-D4-branes between NS5-branes. We found that, by lifting to a nonholomophic M5-brane/NS5-brane curve, this nonsupersymmetric system can be studied in a reliable way in various parameter regimes of type IIA/M-theory. In particular, when the numbers of branes and antibranes are the same, we obtained the exact nonholomorphic M5/NS5 curve. In addition, this IIA/M vantage point sheds lights on and deepens understanding of the IIB system studied by Vafa et al. in hep-th/0610249 and hep-th/0702077, which is the T-dual of our system in the weak coupling IIA limit. Our explicit M-theory curves also help us to better understand the subtlety regarding boundary conditions raised by Bena et al. in hep-th/0608157. Our formalism can readily be generalized to many other systems which have been mainly studied in supersymmetric contexts only, such as ADE quiver gauge theories. These nonsupersymmetric IIA/M configurations are expected to be useful local modules in constructing realistic models in phenomenology/cosmology.