Publication 1: On the energy deposited by a quark moving in N=4 SYM plasma (URL) Publication 2: The high momentum behavior of a quark wake (URL) Publication 3: Short distance properties of cascading gauge theories (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
I am currently actively working on extracting information on heavy ion collisions from AdS/CFT. Over the past year there where many works on this subject which have exhibited an interesting relationship between a QCD quark gluon plasma and an N=4 quark gluon plasma when both are strongly coupled. These works have been able to relate measurable properties of the quark gluon plasma to those of an N=4 SYM theory which may be predicted via AdS/CFT. In my mind this seems like the closest string theory has ever got to experiment, which is why I am pursuing this subject. In the past I have worked on the UV behavior of cascading gauge theories and some aspects of black hole physics. I am also interested, and try to follow the literature on pure spinors and finiteness of N=8 SUGRA.