Research Interest of Igor Bandos

      Publication 1: Covariant action for the super-5-brane of M-theory, by I. Bandos, K. Lechner, A. Nurmagambetov, P. Pasti, D. Sorokin and M. Tonin,  Phys. Rev. Lett.  78, 4332—4334 (1997) [hep-th/9701149]. (URL)
      Publication 2: BPS states in M-theory and twistorial constituents, by Igor A. Bandos, José A. de Azcérraga, José M. Izquierdo and Jerzy Lukierski,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4451-4454, 2001 [hep-th/0101113].  (URL)
      Publication 3: SDiff Gauge Theory and the M2 Condensate, by I.A. Bandos and P.K. Townsend, JHEP 0902, 013 (2009), 35pp. [arXiv:0808.1583v2[hep-th]. (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

My main field of interest is String/M-theory, more specifically: brane physics, supergravity and supersymmetric field theories, superfield methods. Among the results which we obtained with my collaborators, there is the covariant and κ-symmetric action for the M-theory super-5-brane [PRL’97=hep-th/9701149]. Searching for a complete description of the M5-brane interaction with D=11 background we constructed a new duality symmetric version of D=11 supergravity, including both 3-form and 6-form gauge fields (NPB’98=hep-th/9711055; notice that for many years it was assumed that such a formulation does not exist at all). In one of our recent papers with P.K. Townsend (CQG’08=arXiv:0806.4777 [hep-th]) we used the light cone gauge fixed M5-brane action of [PRL’97=hep-th/9701149] to search for the origin of d=3 N=8 Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) model in its Nambu bracket (NB) realization. This BLG model attracted recently much attention as a possible candidate for the low energy description of multiple M2-brane systems; then NB BLG model invariant under infinite dimensional SDiff3 (volume preserving diffeomorphisms) symmetry describes a condensate of M2-branes. The results of (CQG’08=arXiv:0806.4777) are mainly negative in the sense that what we found starting from M5-brane in flat superspace is an infinite tension limit which reproduces the so-called Carrollian limit of the NB BLG model, but not the complete BLG model. The case of M5-brane in AdS4xS7 background is under study now. In our second paper on this subject (JHEP’09=arXiv:0808.1583v2[hep-th]) we put NB BLG model in general context of SDiff gauge theories and also presented its N=8 superfield formulations in the standard N=8 superspace (see also PLB’08= arXiv:0808.3568 [hep-th]) and in the so-called the pure spinor superspace. Among the tools which we had proposed and used continuously in our study of supersymmetric branes there was superembedding approach (NPB’95=hep-th/9501113, PLB’95=hep- th/9502141), which was also recognized and applied by other researches. In particular, P. Howe and E. Sezgin used the superembedding approach to obtain equations of motion for M5-brane and D=10 Dirichlet-branes several months before the complete covariant actions for these objects were constructed. In one of my recent papers arXiv:0812.2889 [hep-th] (to appear in JHEP’09) the superembedding approach was applied to studying the possible existence of new 7-branes in type IIB theory (namely of the so-called Q7-branes, which had been known as supergravity solutions and then, some times ago, conjectured to be supersymmetric dynamical objects described by a supersymmetric and kappa- symmetric worldvolume action). This investigation suggested possible application of superembedding approach to the old standing problem of supersymmetric and Lorentz covariant description of multiple Dp-brane systems, also known as a search for supersymmetric non-Abelian DBI action; this is presently under investigation. Among other topics of my research interest there are the problems of fundamental degrees of freedom of M-theory (see PRL’2000=hep-th/0101113, PRD’04=hep-th/0312266), of twistor approach and twistor string (see JHEP’06=hep-th/0604037 and refs. therein), of constructing selfconsistent interaction of higher spin fields (see PRD’2000=hep-th/9907113, JHEP’04=hep- th/0407180, JHEP’05=hep-th/0501113) and the old-standing problem of the covariant superstring quantization, presently in the form of searching for the origin and meaning of the pure spinor formalism (see PLB’07= arXiv:0707.2336, NPB’08= arXiv:0710.4342) and for its possible generalizations.