Publication 1: Local Models in F-Theory and M-Theory with Three Generations (URL) Publication 2: Unfolding Geometric Unification in M-Theory (URL) Publication 3: Geometrically Engineering the Standard Model: Locally Unfolding Three Families out of E(8) (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
My two primary research interests are phenomenological model building in F-theory and M-theory, and the emerging story of a twistor description of perturbative Yang-Mills theory and gravity. In F-theory and M-theory, locality provides a powerful and predictive criterion to test string theory at low energies (and allows us to avoid many of the difficulties of the otherwise vast string landscape). And somewhat unrelated to M/F-theory, the shockingly elegant way in which amplitudes appear in twistor space hints at the possibility of a remarkably simple description of all of (perturbative) gauge theory.