Publication 1: SQCD: A Geometric Aperçu (URL) Publication 2: Turbulence and Holography (URL) Publication 3: Eigenvalue Density, Li's Positivity, and the Critical Strip (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
My interests are broad, but focus on exploring quantum gravity and the structure of field theories with the goal of bringing string theory into contact with the real world. In particular, I am working to formulate a theory of statistical mechanics that underlies gravitational thermodynamics. As a laboratory for these ideas, I use the dual CFT to study black holes in AdS spacetimes. The microstate proposal argues that there are sufficiently many operators with the same global charges as a black hole to account for the entropy. My present research seeks to test this hypothesis in detail and determine what an infalling observer sees in this picture. I want to apply a similar notion to time dependent backgrounds as a step toward understanding spacelike singularities in string theory. Recently, I have been examining the hydrodynamic limit of gravitational systems. In future work, I want to study AdS/CFT in non-equilibrium settings with a view to exploring such phenomena as black hole formation. Another major thrust of my research is to explain how the Standard Model of particle physics descends from a fundamental theory. I seek to relate geometric aspects of the vacuum space of field theories to string theory and use geometric structure as a practical tool for particle phenomenology. My recent investigations of SQCD are in this context. As well, I am presently interested in using string theoretic techniques to develop a physical model that captures the physics of the zeros of the zeta function and related functions in number theory.