Publication 1: Poincare' Quasi-Hopf Symmetry and Non-Associative Spacetime Algebra from Twisted Gauge Theories (URL) Publication 2: Constraints from CMB on Spacetime Noncommutativity and Causality Violation (URL) Publication 3: Statistics and UV-IR mixing with twisted Poincare invariance. (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
I am interested in many areas of mathematical physics. One area is noncommutative field theory. I am studying the role of Hopf algebras in their construction and also looking into the problem of defining a renormalizable to all order gauge theory on noncommutative spaces. I am also interested in matrix models and emergent geometry and their relation to higher dimensional gauge/gravity dualaties. I am also interested in various condensed matter models such as dimer and kitaev's models and their role in field theories.