Research Interest of Joseph Marsano

      Publication 1: Two loop partition function for large N pure Yang-Mills theory on a small three-sphere (URL)
      Publication 2: A DK Phase Transition in q-Deformed Yang-Mills on S^2 and Topological Strings (URL)
      Publication 3: Minisuperspace Quantization of "Bubbling AdS" and Free Fermion Droplets (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

I am currently interested in metastable nonsupersymmetric configurations in string theory and, in particular, the use of M-theory as a tool to probe them. For example, in a paper to appear within the next few days, I have studied brane/antibrane configurations in type IIA in this manner with K Papadodimas and M Shigemori. At weak coupling we reproduce the results expected from large N duality while at strong coupling we find that the M5 curve exhibits interesting new features. I am also interested in possible applications of such constructions to model building.