Research Interest of Sera Cremonini

      Publication 1: Matrix Model Maps and Reconstruction of AdS SUGRA Interactions. (URL)
      Publication 2: Bubbling AdS and droplet descriptions of BPS geometries in IIB supergravity (URL)
      Publication 3: Dilaton dynamics from production of tensionless membranes. (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

I am interested mainly in various aspects of gauge/gravity dualities, as well as in the boundary between string theory and cosmology. Within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence, I am currently looking at extending work to setups with lower supersymmetries, with the ultimate goal of describing non-summersymmetric, possibly time-dependent backgrounds. I am also looking at the (black hole) attractor mechanism generalized to the case of flux compactifications. This work is related to questions of vacuum selection, as well as to the dual, open string description of flux compactifications.