Publication 1: Microscopic entropy of the charged BTZ black hole (URL) Publication 2: Black hole solutions of dimensionally reduced Einstein-Gauss Bonnet gravity with a cosmological constant (URL) Publication 3: Global properties of charged dilatonic Gauss-Bonnet black holes (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
At present I am attending the 2nd year of a Ph.D. in Physics focused on Quantum Gravity. In particular my research interests concern: - Microscopic entropy of the charged BTZ black hole. - Entanglement entropy in quantum gravity and AdS/CFT correspondence. Previously I received a Ph.D. in Mathematics with a thesis on “Black hole solutions of higher-derivative gravity with methods from the theory of dynamical systems”. In particular, I studied the following subjects: - Global properties of neutral and charged dilatonic Gauss-Bonnet black holes. - Black hole solutions of dimensionally reduced Einstein-Gauss Bonnet gravity with a cosmological constant. - Two-dimensional black holes with pointlike sources. My early research activity in Physics focused on exclusive processes in perturbative QCD. In particular I investigated the following topics: - Production of baryon-antibaryon pairs in J/psi exclusive decays. - Exclusive meson production in two photon collisions. - Nucleon electromagnetic form factors . - Off forward parton distributions in deeply virtual Compton scattering and in electroproduction of vector and pseudoscalar mesons. - Glueball production in quarkonium decays.