Publication 1: Semiclassical quantization of the giant magnon (URL) Publication 2: (URL) Publication 3: (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
My work is on integrability structures within the AdS/CFT correspondence. In particular, I have been investigating giant magnon string solutions,and questions I'm focusing on include the determination of the solution for arbitrary number of magnons, the reduction to an effective particle description, the Maldacena-Swanson limit and its relation to the Faddeev-Reshetikhin model. Recently I have become interested on Super Yang-Mills amplitudes at weak and strong coupling, with the generalized unitarity techniques and the Alday-Maldacena prescription respectively, as well as their unexpected relation to Wilson loops. Apart from revealing the rich structure of Super Yang-Mills per se, the amplitudes can be used as a building block for determining the corresponding ones in QCD, a task necessary for predicting known background processes more accurately at the LHC, thus allowing for a clearer distrinction of new physics.