Research Interest of Jihye Seo

      Publication 1: Vacuum Geometry and Field Dependent Coupling Constants (to appear, by Aganagic, Beem, Seo, Vafa) (URL)
      Publication 2: Phase Structure of a Brane/Anti-Brane System at Large N (URL)
      Publication 3: Geometrically Induced Metastability and Holography (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

My past and current research involves supersymmetry breaking and metastable system in string theory on noncompact Calabi Yau, and building corresponding gauge theory. I hope to extend future research into gravitational system on a compact Calabi Yau, black holes, and want to make more connection with topological string theory. Also I am interested in further study of non-supersymmetric gauge theory from string theory duality and model building.