Research Interest of Yanwen Shang

      Publication 1: "Light from chaos" in two dimensions (URL)
      Publication 2: Lattice chirality and the decoupling of mirror fermions (URL)
      Publication 3: Resonance in asymmetric warped geometry (URL)

    URL of Research:

Statement of Interest:

With LHC commissioned in just a few month ahead, all sorts of ideas about physics beyond the standard model are being explored intensively. A strongly coupled chiral theory appearing at TeV scale remains a possibility but also a very hard scenario to study. When it comes to strongly coupled theories, lattice regularization is by far the most reliable method. But deļ¬ning exact chiral gauge theory on the lattice remains a difficult problem on its own. One of the projects that I am working on is to construct a solution to this problem using the idea of mirror fermions. An related problem that I am interested in is the anomalous gauge theory in 2-d. The widely accepted lore is that these theories are consistent as long as the photon is endowed with a mass, which is ambiguous, subjected only to a lower bound by unitarity. On the other hand, there exists Hamiltonian analysis that suggests the same theory is also consistent without the massive photon provided the Lorenz symmetry is sacrificed. We would like to clarify this ambiguity both in the continuous path-integral formalism and the discretized counterpart on the lattice. I am also studying the 2-d supersymmetric gauge theories. In particular, the phase structures of the N=(2,2) SYM in 2-d.