Publication 1: Cosmology of the closed string tachyon (URL) Publication 2: A Stable vacuum of the tachyonic E(8) string (URL) Publication 3: Charting the landscape of supercritical string theory (URL) URL of Research: Statement of Interest:
My research efforts focus on solving fundamental problems in theoretical high-energy physics. Much of my work has centered on various aspects of string theory, though I have also worked directly on related questions in cosmology and supersymmetric gauge theory. A common thread to my research is the employment or exploration of systems that exhibit exact solvability. In addition to featuring interesting properties in their own right, such systems often afford sharp statements that can be explored through detailed and controlled calculation. Lately I have been studying the rich landscape of connected string theories that arises as a consequence of closed string tachyon condensation. This landscape unifies a large number of seemingly disparate string theories, and has already taught us a great deal about the fundamental nature of quantum gravity, with and without supersymmetry.