Research Interest of Anton Zeitlin

      Publication 1: A.M. Zeitlin, Perturbed beta–gamma systems and complex geometry, Volume 794, Issue 3, 381-401 (URL)
      Publication 2: A.M. Zeitlin, Formal Maurer-Cartan structures: from CFT to Classical Field Equations, JHEP12(2007)098 (URL)
      Publication 3: A.M. Zeitlin, Homotopy Lie superalgebra in Yang-Mills theory, JHEP09(2007)068 (URL)

    URL of Research:

Statement of Interest:

My current interests include the following topics: 1) Homological structures in quantum field theory, namely differential-geometric homotopy algebras which naturally appear in gauge theories (including gravity), and their relation to homotopy algebras of String Field Theory. 2) Geometry of beta-gamma systems, and also the geometry of sheaves of chiral vertex operators. In particular, geometric and algebraic features of perturbed beta-gamma systems. 3) Vertex algebras (including braided ones), their interrelations with conformal field theory, integrable systems and quantum groups.