Research Interest of Carlo Maccaferri

      Publication 1: Ghost story. III. Back to ghost number zero (URL)
      Publication 2: Membranes on Calibrations (URL)
      Publication 3: Ghost story. I. Wedge states in the oscillator formalism (URL)

    URL of Research: 

Statement of Interest:

My main interest is Open String Field Theory, in particular I'm presently working on lower dimensional branes solutions, i.e. proving the remaining Sen's conjecture. I'm also working on the Pure Spinor formulation of supersymmetric OSFT, in particular on its quantum structure/consistency. In the recent past I wrote three papers in which, for the first time, a completely consistent oscillator formalism for the bc-system has been given in order to deal with wedge states and surface states in general. In the past years I have also worked on membranes gauge theories: in the BLG model, showing how to incorporate all the M2-M5 supersymmetric intersections, then in the ABJM model on the relation between the Chern Simons level and the RG flow in the Coulomb branch.