Institute for Theoretical Physics

The ITP is the Institute for Theoretical Physics. Our logo, seen above, is an eye in a teepee. Yes, it's really just a bad pun. Here is some information on the research done at the ITP. There you will also find a list of the ITP faculty, and some of our recent publications.

Stony Brook

Our University has a bit of an identity crisis. It goes by many different names, and changes logos every so often. One recent logo, the Stony Brook Tree, is shown above (left). The official, full name is the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Some commonly used shortcuts are SUNY Stony Brook, and SUNY-SB. When some people started calling it Stony Brook University, the powers that be, in an effort to quell this practice, announced that The University at Stony Brook was an acceptable abbreviation. From this, it was commonly shortened to USB. This prompted the design of a new logo, seen above (right).


Other Logos

The USB-ITP logo (seen above and on the ITP home page) was designed and drawn by Professor Warren Siegel. It is simply our concatenation of the USB name and logo with the ITP name and logo, with a bit of artistic embellishment. We are still searching for a good logo for the main Physics Department.

Below are some intermediate stages of logos we use or used at the ITP.




Last updated 1/14/1997 by