YITP Computing FAQ

This document contains frequently asked questions about the ITP computer systems, and their answers. Contributions are welcomed! Please mail them to help@insti.physics.sunysb.edu.
  • What is my YITP email address?
  • How do I forward my YITP email messages to another email address?
  • How do I remotely log into other machines?
  • How do I log into insti/max2 remotely?
  • How do I print from YITP machines?
  • How do I check/cancel my print jobs?
  • How do I change my password?
  • How do I see what processes are running?
  • How do I kill unwanted processes?
  • How do I connect my home computer to campus?

  • What is my YITP email address?
    Your YITP email address is username@insti.physics.sunysb.edu where "username" is your username on insti/max2.

    How do I forward my YITP email messages to another email address?
    Create a file named ".forward" (note the dot in front) in your insti/max2 home directory, and put this inside the file (don't forget to type return at the end of the line):


    where username is your insti/max2 login username, and forwardemail@address is the email address to which you want your YITP emails forwarded. You can leave out the "\username," part if you do NOT want a local copy of your email messages on insti/max2. To disable email forwarding, simply rename or delete the .forward file.

    How do I remotely log into other machines?
    Use secure shell (ssh) on unix machines (including Mac OSX). If you're logging into one YITP machine from another, just type "ssh hostname". Otherwise use "ssh -l username hostname" or "ssh username@hostname" . If you're using Microsoft Windows, install "Secure Shell Client". On pre-OSX Mac's, use "niftytelnet-ssh".

    How do I log into insti/max2 remotely?
    If the remote machine already has ssh installed (see above), you can try "ssh username@max2.physics.sunysb.edu" where username is your insti/max2 login username. This will probably fail because insti/max2 has access restrictions. If this is the case, please note down the exact times of your failed ssh attempts and email those times to Ming so your IP address can be discovered through the system logs and ssh access granted accordingly.

    Alternatively, if you have access to a web browser with java installed and enabled, you can try the (experimental) web ssh gateway at:


    How do I print from YITP machines?
    On insti/max2, use the following commands (followed by the filename of the file you want to print) to print PS or ascii text files:

  • laser -> laser printer in YITP library (lj19)
  • lasercolor -> color laser printer in Doreen's office (hpdj)
  • or use the command "lpr -Pprinter <filename>" where "printer" is the printer name listed in parenthesis above (this works on all YITP unix machines).

    By default, printing is done on both sides of the paper for "lj19". To print on one side only, use the commands "laser1side" (for "lj19"). To print on both sides of the paper on the color printer (hpdj), use "lasercolor2side". These commands are available on max2/insti.

    How do I check/cancel my print jobs?
    On insti/max2, use "lpq -Pprinter" to check the print queue (printer is the printer name as given above). Use "lpq -a" to check all printer queues. Note the print job number associated with your job. Use "lprm -Pprinter jobnumber" to cancel a print job that belongs to you with job number jobnumber.

    How do I change my password?
    Just type yppasswd and follow the instructions.

    How do I see what processes are running?
    "top" shows top proceeses according to CPU usage. "ps aux" shows all processes on Linux machines (use "ps -ef" for SGI and DEC alpha machines). Append "| grep <username>" to the ps command to see processes belonging to user username.

    How do I kill unwanted processes?
    Use the above ps command to find out the process IDs (second column) of processes belonging to you, then use "kill -1 <jobID>" to terminate unwanted processes. If some processes refuse to terminate, use "kill -9 <jobID>" to terminate with extreme prejudice. Please be cautious not to kill processes you need.

    How do I connect my home computer to campus?
    Check out this webpage