This course explores the implications and influence of quantum
mechanics, real and alleged, on fields other than physics. Our title
was inspired by a recent exhibition and book, entitled, "The
Newtonian Moment," that charted an approximately 250-year period
during which ripples from Newton's discoveries, especially in
mechanics and gravity, radiated out first to a small school of
specialists, and then in successively larger circles, eventually
penetrating all niches of human life from art to commerce. It is now
80 years since the inception of quantum mechanics, and 100 years
since a crucial contribution by Einstein to its foundations, and it
seems worthwhile to look at what kinds of ripples have come from a
development in some ways much more startling and hard to swallow than
Newton's work. What have been the reactions to quantum mechanics in
worlds outside the physical sciences? How, if at all, have such
reactions reflected back on what hard-core practitioners in this
field do and think about what they do?
Such questions will be at the focus of this course. How has quantum
mechanics permeated culture to offer what seem to be significant new
perspectives on the human condition? What does it mean for
philosophy, ethics, biology, and social behavior? We shall explore
how quantum mechanics fits, or does not fit, with traditional models
of science, and with more recent accounts such as social
constructivism. We shall discuss some of the important debates at
the founding of quantum mechanics, such as the Einstein-Bohr debate
on the possibility of hidden variables, the Bohr-Heisenberg debate on
the interpretation of complementarity, and the probabilistic
interpretation of quantum mechanics. We shall look into the
"double-slit" experiment with single electrons, the "most beautiful
experiment in science." We may also discuss such issues as
nonlocality, hidden variables, new dimensions of the debate of free
will versus determinism, scientific perception and measurement
theory. Required and suggested readings include texts that claim to
find a connection between quantum mechanics and Faulkner's novels,
surrealist paintings, Christian thought, Eastern mysticism, and the
theatre of Bertolt Brecht and Richard Forman. The course will not
involve technical mathematics. The introduction to the subject
provided by the instructors will be aimed at non-science students.
Besides readings, the course also will involve plays (including
Copenhagen), films, and guest speakers. Students will be expected to
work on a final project, to be presented in class.
What follows is a tentative syllabus that may be altered in the light of student interest.
The required articles will be handed out, or left in either the
Philosophy or Physics offices for students to copy. The following
books are to be purchased:
I. B. Cohen, The Birth of a New Physics
M. Frayn, Copenhagen
R. McCormmach, Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist
Course Structure
For most classes, the instructors -- or a guest speaker -- will speak for the first hour, followed by dinner and and informal discussion, after which students will present and discuss material. The material discussed by the students may be part of the assigned readings for that week, a suggested reading for that week, or another reading suggested by the student that has been approved by the instructors.
All students also have to work on a project, either individually or in
collaboration. as described above at the end of the syllabus.
You are required to attend all classes, and to participate in the
discussions. Frequent discussions, attention to notices on the
course website, and postings through Blackboard may be required. You
must complete the readings on time, by the date listed on the
syllabus. You are responsible for making up any work missed for any
reason. Grading is based on class participation, class presentation,
and the course project.
Americans with Disabilities Act
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning
disability that may impact your course work, contact Disability
Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building,
Room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what
accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and
documentation is confidential. Students requiring emergency
evacuation should discuss needs with professors and Disability
Support Services. For procedures and information, go to http://
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If you used Blackboard in the Fall, your login information is
unchanged. If you've never used Blackboard, your initial password is
your SOLAR ID# and your username is your SBU (sparky) username,
generally your first initial and the first 7 letters of your last
name. For help or more information see: For problems logging in, go
to the helpdesk in the Main Library SINC Site or the Union SINC Site,
or call 631-632-9602 or e-mail