YITP Grad Xinan Zhou awarded ICTP Prize

Monday, 04 December 2023 15:30 administrator

Xinan Zhou, a 2018 YITP graduate was awarded the 2024 ICTP Prize “for novel and outstanding contributions leading to new techniques to compute correlation functions in conformal field theories in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, and for developing new approaches to the analytic conformal bootstrap”.   Working here with Leonardo Rastelli, Xinan went on to a postdoctoral fellowship at Princeton University, and in 2021 joined the faculties of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and ShanghaiTech University.

The ICTP Prize is designed to recognize outstanding early-career research of faculty in developing countries.   Xinan follows in the footsteps of distinguished YITP alumnus Ashoke Sen, who received the prize in 1989.