In Tribute to Jack Smith (1938-2017) November 10, 2017

Thursday, 09 November 2017 11:18 administrator

On Friday Nov. 10 a symposium was held in tribute to our late YITP colleague, Jack Smith, organized by some of his friends at Stony Brook and long time colleagues from Europe. Jack’s work in applications of quantum field theory to high energy collisions played a key role in establishing of the Standard Model. Speakers gave their own recollections while recalling landmarks of Jack’s scientific career in historical context. Jack's family was also represented. It should be very interesting for the physics, and for the chance to appreciate a life in physics.

The symposium was held at the Simons Center, Room 102. It began at 9am, continue (with a coffee break) until about noon. An afternoon session at the Center lasted from 2 to approximately 3:30pm. Of course, the sessions were open to all.

Program: A Tribute to Jack Smith, Nov 10. 2017.

SCGP Room 102  

9:00   Luis Alvarez-Gaume and George Sterman:  Welcome
       Family remarks with pictures
9.45   George: Jack comes to Stony Brook & communication on behalf of Ephraim Fishbach (Indiana)
9:50   Fred  Goldhaber: writing with Jack
10:00  Robert Shrock: Jack as a colleague, Jack's work on electroweak interactions

10:30 - 11:05 break 11:05 Bernard de Wit (Nikhef, Amsterdam and Utrecht): Jack and The FTiPP Book 11:35 George: communication on behalf of Paul Grannis 11:40 Eric Laenen (Nikhef, Amsterdam and Utrecht): Jack as an advisor, Jack and the top quark/ heavy quarks at HERA 12:10 Peter van Nieuwenhuizen: remarks 12:20 Family remarks
12:30 — 2:00 Lunch (YITP Common Room) Brief Welcome to the afternoon session (SCGP Room 102) 2:00 George: About Jack’s calculations, and the confirmation of the Standard Model 2:15 V. Ravindran (IMSC, Chennai and Mainz U., remotely) Working with Jack on the Higgs boson 2:45 Nikolaos Kidonakis (Kennesaw State U.) Jack, and soft gluon resummation 3:15 Bryan Field (SUNY Farmingdale) Remembering Jack (Remembering the YITP) 3:45 Closing comments