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Nonlinear Differenrtial Equations
- 1.
- B.M. McCoy and S. Tang, Connection Formulae for Painleve V
Functions, with S. Tang, Physica 19D, 42 (1986).
- 2.
- B.M. McCoy and S. Tang, Connection Formulae for Painleve
Functions, Physica 18D, 190 (1986).
- 3.
- B.M. McCoy and S. Tang, Connection Formulae for Painleve
V Functions II: The
Function Bose Gas
Problem, Physica 20D, 187 (1986).
- 4.
- B.M. McCoy and J.H.H. Perk, The Relation of Conformal
Field Theory and Deformation Theory for the
Ising Model, Nucl. Phys. B285 [FS19] 279 (1987).
Chi Ming Hung