Quantum Field Theory

C. Bender and B.M. McCoy, Peculiarities of a Free Massless Spin $\frac{3}{2}$ Field Theory, Phys. Rev. 148, 1375 (1966).
B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Mandelstam diagrams are not Enough, Phys. Rev. D12, 546 (1975).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Three Particle Regge Poles in $\phi^3$ Theory, Phys. Rev. D12, 578 (1975).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Comment on High Energy Behavior of Non-Abelian Gauge theories, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 604 (1975).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Fermion-Fermion Scattering in a Yang-Mills Theory at High Energy-Sixth Order Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D12, 3257 (1975).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Quantum Number Exchange at Extremely High Energies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1190 (1975).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Theory of Fermion Exchange in Massive Quantum Electrodynamics at High Energy I, Phys. Rev. D13, 369 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Theory of Fermion Exchange in Massive Quantum Electrodynamics at High Energy II: Sixth Order Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D13, 379 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Theory of Fermion Exchange in Massive quantum Electrodynamics at High Energy III: Eighth Order Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D13, 395 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Theory of Fermion Exchange in Massive Quantum Electrodynamics at High Energy IV. Tenth Order Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D13, 424 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Theory of Fermion Exchange in Massive Quantum Electrodynamics at High Energy V: Twelfth and Higher Order Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D13, 484, (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Theory of Fermion Exchange in Massive quantum Electrodynamics at High Energy: Summation of Diagrams, Phys. Rev. D13, 508 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Boson-fermion and Boson-boson Scattering in a Yang-Mills Theory at High Energy, Phys. Rev. D13, 1076 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Multiple Direct Exchange in a Yang-Mills Theory at High Energy, Phys. Rev. D14, 3482 (1976).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Failure of Bartel's Scheme of Applying Reggeon Field Theory to a Spontaneously Broken Yang-Mills Theory, Phys. Lett. 71B, 97 (1977).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, Scientica Sinica 22, 1021 (1979).
B.M. McCoy and T.T.Wu, Dynamic Mass Generation and the Thirring Model, Phys. Lett. B87, 50 (1979).
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B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Lattice Renormalization of Non Perturbative Quantum Field Theory, in Bifurcation Phenomena in Mathematical Physics, p. 69., edited by C. Bardos and D. Bessis.
B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Exact Relation Between Four-Dimensional Lattice Gauge Theories and Two-Dimensional Spin Systems, Phys. Lett. B 108, 213 (1982).
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B.M. McCoy and M-L. Yan, Gauge invariant correlation functions for the Ising-gauge Ising-Higgs system in 2-dimensions, Nucl. Phys. B215 [FS7], 278 (1983).
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B.M. McCoy, The connection between statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, in Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory, eds. V.V Bazhanov and C.J. Burden (World Scientific 1995) 26-128 (hep-th/9403084).
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B.M. McCoy, Modern Metaphysics (hep-th/9609160)
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