Quantum Spin Chains
- 1.
- B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Hydrogen-Bonded Crystals and the Anisotropic Heisenberg Chain, Il
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- B.M. McCoy, Spin Correlation Functions of the X-Y Model, Phys. Rev.
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- E. Barouch, M. Dresden and B.M.McCoy, Statistical
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- B.M. McCoy and E. Barouch, Statistical Mechanics of the X-Y
Model II,
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- E. Barouch and B.M. McCoy, Statistical Mechanics of the
X-Y Model III,
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- E. Barouch, B.M. McCoy and D. Abrahams, Statistical Mechanics of the X-Y Model IV, Phys.
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- J.D. Johnson and B.M. McCoy, Off-Diagonal Correlation Functions
in the X-Y Model, Phys.
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- E. Barouch and B.M. McCoy, Magnetic Susceptibility of the Random One-Dimensional Transverse
Ising Model, Studies in Applied Math. 51, 57 (1972).
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- J.D. Johnson, C.K. Lai and B.M. McCoy, On Takahashi's Study of the Thermodynamics of the Heisenberg-Ising
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- J.D. Johnson and B.M. McCoy, Low Temperature Thermodynamics of the
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- J.D. Johnson, S. Krinsky and B.M. McCoy,
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- J.D. Johnson, S. Krinsky and B.M. McCoy, Vertical-Arrow
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- M. Gaudin, B.M. McCoy and T.T. Wu, Normalization sum for the Bethes Hypothesis Wave Functions of the
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- B.M. McCoy and J.H.H. Perk, Continuous Exponents of Spin Correlation Functions of Inhomogeneous
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- B.M. McCoy, J.H.H. Perk and R.E. Schrock, Time-dependent
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- B.M. McCoy J.H.H. Perk and R.E. Schrock, Correlation Functions
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Field for Large Temporal and Spatial Separations,
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- J.M.R. Roldan, B.M. McCoy and J.H.H. Perk, Dynamic Spin
Correlation Functions of the XYZ Chain at Infinite Temperature: A Study
Based on Moments, Physica 136A, 255 (1986).
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- G. Albertini, S. Dasmahapatra and B.M. McCoy, Spectrum and
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- G. Albertini, S. Dasmahapatra and B.M. McCoy, Spectrum doubling
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Potts spin chain, Phys. Letts. A170, 397 (1992).
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- B.M. McCoy and W.P. Orrick, Single particle excitations in the
lattice E8 Ising model, Phys. Letts. A 230 (1997) 24 (hep-th/9611071).
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- 21.
- K. Fabricius and B.M. McCoy, Spin diffusion and the spin 1/2 XXZ
chain at
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- K. Fabricius and B.M. McCoy, Quantum-classical crossover in the
spin 1/2 XXZ chain, Phys. Rev.B (in press) (cond-mat/9805337)
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- A. Berkovich and B.M. McCoy, The universal chiral partition
function for exclusion statistics, Festscrift for J. McGuire (in
press) (hepth/9808013).
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- K. Fabricius, A. Klumper and B.M. McCoy, Competition of ferromagnetic
and antiferromagnetic order in the spin 1/2 XXZ chain at finite temperature.
Festschrift for J. McGuire (in press) (cond-mat/9810278)
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- K. Fabricius, A. Klumper amd B.M. McCoy, Temperature dependent
spatial oscillations in the correlations of the XXZ spin chain,
Phys. Rev. Letts. (submitted) (cond-mat/9812012)