Improved methods for hypergraphs
(talk at Adventures in Superspace, 4/19/13)
Dharmesh Jain and Warren Siegel
Earlier work:
“Hypersymmetry”: N=2 supersymmetry — Fayet (’76)
⋮ (cf. “Bambi Meets Godzilla”)
- Ivanov, Galperin, Ogievetsky, Sokatchev (’85)
- Gonzalez-Rey, Roček, Wiles, Lindström, von Unge (’97-8)
- Jain, Siegel (’09-12)
Background hyperfields: Buchbinder², Ivanov, Kuzenko, Ovrut, McArthur, Petrov (’97-’02)
This paper does for N=2 supergraphs what was done for N=1 by ...
Improved methods for supergraphs
Marcus T. Grisaru, W. Siegel (Brandeis U.), M. Roček (Cambridge U.). Jun 1979. 32 pp.
Published in Nucl.Phys. B159 (1979) 429
Cited by 742 records (INSPIRE)
⇐ Actual experimental data related to supersymmetry
⇓ |
Cited by 910 (Google scholar)
Background field formalism
N = 1 |
N = 2 (6D N=1) |
quantum superfield |
scalar |
scalar |
superspace |
x, full θ |
x, analytic (½) θ, (internal) y |
representation |
chiral |
analytic |
background superfield |
spinor |
spinor |
superspace |
x, full θ |
x, full θ, no y |
representation |
real |
real |
nonrenormalization |
obvious* |
obvious* |
effective action |
x, θ |
x, θ (no internal) |
*As for N=1,
Quantum superfield is scalar prepotential of dimension 0;
background superfield is spinor (or maybe vector) potential with dimension > 0.
N=4 Yang-Mills
1-loop cancelations in N=4 Yang-Mills as formulated in N=1 or N=2 superspace:
N = 1 |
N = 2 |
scalar multiplets |
3 |
1 |
Faddeev-Popov ghosts |
-2 |
-2 |
Nielsen-Kallosh ghosts |
-1 |
1 |
total |
0 |
0 |
vector multiplets |
1 |
1 |
“extra” ghosts |
0 |
1-2 |
total |
1 |
0* |
*Same propagator, different vertex ⇒ cancels only y-divergence δ(0).
In both cases, vector multiplets etc. contribute only @ 4-point & higher,
scalar multiplets etc. also @ lower-point.
In case there’s too much time left, some actual equations:
scalar/FP/NK propagator: |
vector/XR propagator: |
scalar/FP/NK vertex: |
∫d⁴θ dy (◻̂-◻₀)
vector vertex: |
∫d⁴θ dy y(◻̂-◻₀)
XR vertex: |
∫d⁴θ d²y [-1 + y₁δ(y₁₂)](◻̂-◻₀)
Above are for just 1 loop (free quantum in background).
For vertices, use ∇ϑ⁴ from propagator to make ∫d⁴θ ∇ϑ⁴ = ∫d⁸θ.
- Same kind of simplifications for N=2 as for N=1 (1 loop & higher)
- Quantum field V (x, θ, y), where Aϑ = 0;
background fields Aθ, Aϑ, where Ay = 0, trivial dependence on y
- Classical action in analytic superspace d⁴x d⁴θ dy, nonlocal in y;
effective action in “full” superspace d⁴x d⁴θ d⁴ϑ, no y
- N=3 supergraphs (for N=4 Yang-Mills): in progress
- Supergravity
- 1st-quantization?
That’s a good question!
Quantum vertices (background appears only through ∇
scalar: |
-∫d⁴θ Ῡ(eV-1)Υ
vector: |
∫d⁴θ d⁴ϑ dⁿy
(eV₁-1)∙∙∙(eVn-1) |
y₁₂y₂₃∙∙∙yn₁ |
FP: |
-∫d⁴θ (yb+b̄)LV/2
Nonlocality in y gets no background covariantization, since Ay = 0.