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Past news

** Dec 6, 2023 ** I gave a presentation at the IBM Quantum Summit 2023 on our work "Simulating large-size quantum spin chains on cloud-based superconducting quantum computers"

** Oct 31, 2023 ** My work wtth student Hongye Yu on "Efficient separate quantification of state preparation errors and measurement errors on quantum computers and their mitigation" has been posted at arXiv:2310.18881

** Oct. 30, 2023 ** My work with two YITP students Yabo Li and Mikhail Litvinov on "Measuring Topological Field Theories: Lattice Models and Field-Theoretic Description" is posted at arXiv:2310.17740

** Oct. 27, 2023 ** I participated in a special seminar (panel discussion) at IBM Quantum Seminar, where panelists discussed about experiments and perspectives of using 100Q+ machines; the panel discussion was recorded and availale on YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7Kk_lR1Y2M

** Oct. 26, 2023 ** Our work on "Simulating large-size quantum spin chains on cloud-based superconducting quantum computers" is featured in a blog of IBM's research website.

** Oct. 24, 2023 ** I gave a seminar "Learning Marginals Suffices!" (joint work with Nengkun Yu) at Harvard's Mathematical Picture Language seminar series, and the recording is at the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1mn0RuKcUU

** Oct. 23, 2023 ** We held the inaugural conference of our newly created Center for Distributed Quantum Processing.

** Sep. 21, 2023 ** My work with students Yabo Li, Hiroki Sukeno, and Aswin Parayil Mana, and collaborator Hendrik Poulsen Natrup on "Symmetry-enriched topological order from partially gauging symmetry-protected topologically ordered states assisted by measurements," is now published in Phys. Rev. B 108, 115144 (2023).

** Sep. 20, 2023 ** My work with student Anh Nghiem and colleague Prof. Xianfeng David Gu on "Quantum Algorithm for Estimating Betti Numbers Using a Cohomology Approach" has been posted to arXiv:2309.10800

** Sep. 1, 2023 ** My old manuscirpt with Nikko Pomata and Sriram Ganeshan on the mobility edge has now been published: "Seeking a many-body mobility edge with matrix product states in a quasiperiodic model," Nicholas Pomata, Sriram Ganeshan, and Tzu-Chieh Wei, Phys. Rev. B 108, 094201 ( 2023)
** July 6, 2023 ** My work with former student Bharath Thotakura on "Quantum state transfer: interplay between gate and readout errors" was published in Quantum Information Processing 22, Article number: 275 (2023)

** June 26-30, 2023 ** We are hosting a Summer Camp for High-school students on "Quantum Information Science Technology"

** June 5, 2023 ** My work with student and collaborators on "Broadcasting single-qubit and multi-qubit-entangled states: authentication, cryptography, and distributed quantum computation" has been published in Phys. Rev. A 107, 062605 (2023)

** May 23, 2023 ** My work with student Hiroki Sukeno on "Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories via deterministic duality transformations assisted by measurements" has been posted to arXiv:2305.12277

** May 18, 2023 ** My work with student Wenhan Guo on "Tensor Network Methods for Extracting CFT Data from Fixed-Point Tensors and Defect Coarse Graining" has been posted to arXiv:2305.09899

** May 18, 2023 ** My work with students Yabo Li, Hiroki Sukeno, and Aswin Mana, as well as collaboraor Hendrik Poulsen Natrup, on "Symmetry-enriched topological order from partially gauging symmetry-protected topologically ordered states assisted by measurements" has been posted to arXiv:2305.09747

** Mar. 17, 2023 ** My work with Nengkun Yu on "Learning marginals suffices!" has been posted at arXiv:2303.08938

** Mar. 16, 2023 ** Our work "Simulating large-size quantum spin chains on cloud-based superconducting quantum computers" has finally been publsihed, in Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013183 (2023).

** Mar. 2, 2023 ** My work with student Hiroki Sukeno and collaborators Mark Hillery, Janos A. Bergou, Dov Fields, and Vladimir S. Malinovsky, on " Broadcasting single-qubit and multi-qubit-entangled states: authentication, cryptography, and distributed quantum computation," has been posted to arXiv:2303.00856

** Feb. 27, 2023 ** I was named APS Outstanding Referee for 2023 among all 153 scientitists selected this year.

** Dec. 13, 2022 ** I gave a Physics Colloquium at Brookhaven National Laboratory on "From Bell inequalities to quantum information science and technology: some perspective on the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics"

** Nov. 14, 2022 ** My work with student Nhat A. Nghiem  on "Quantum Algorithm For Estimating (Largest) Eigenvalue" has been posted to arXiv:2211.06179

** Sep. 27, 2022 ** I gave an online talk in the "Quantum extreme universe from quantum information" workshop held by Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (I thank Profs. Tadashi Takayanagi, Kouichi Okunishi and Masaki Tezuka for their kind invitation.)

** Sep. 27, 2022 ** My work with student Nhat A. Nghiem and colleague Prof. Xianfeng David Gu on "Constant-time Quantum Algorithm for Homology Detection in Closed Curves" has been posted to arXiv:2209.12298

** Sep. 16, 2022 ** My work with former Master's student Bharath Thotakura on "Quantum State Transfer: Interplay between Gate and Readout Errors" was posted to the arXiv::2209.07021

** Sep. 14, 2022 ** My work with David Stephen, Wen-Wei Ho, Robert Raussendorf and Ruben Verresen on "Universal measurement-based quantum computation in a one-dimensional architecture enabled by dual-unitary circuits" was posted to the arXiv:2209.06191

** Sep. 13, 2022 ** BNL's Denise Yazak wrote a story about our work with student Hongye Yu and colleagues Drs Deyu Lu and Qin Wu (from BNL) on "Geometric quantum adiabatic methods for quantum chemistry," publsihed earlier in Phys. Research 4, 033045 (2022)

** Aug. 3, 2022 **  I gave a talk at IBM Quantum Educator Summit 2022 and  discussed quantum education at Stony Brook University (here is the link to talks: Hear From Educators in the Field - YouTube )

** Aug. 1, 2022 ** I gave a seminar at JILA on "Realizing large-size quantum spin chains on cloud quantum computers"

** July 20, 2022 ** My work with students Hongye Yu and Yusheng Zhao on "Realizing large-size quantum spin chains on cloud quantum computers" has just been posted to the arXiv:  http://arxiv.org/abs/2207.09994, where we were able to perform experiments on XXZ and Heisenberg spin chains with up to 102 qubits and obtain fairly good energy values for the ground states.

** July 15, 2022 ** My work with my student Hongye Yu and colleagues Drs Deyu Lu and Qin Wu (from BNL) on "Geometric quantum adiabatic methods for quantum chemistry" was publsihed in Phys. Research 4, 033045 (2022)

** July 10-30, 2022 ** I attended a workshop at Aspen Center for Physics

** May 27, 2022 ** My work with my student Yabo Li and colleague Prof. Dominik Schneble on "Two-particle States in One-dimensional Coupled Bose-Hubbard Models" is now publihsed in Phys. Rev. A 105, 053310 (2022).
** April 21, 2022 ** My work "Broadcast of a restricted set of qubit and qutrit states," with Mark Hillery, János A. Bergou, Siddhartha Santra, and Vladimir Malinovsky, has now appeared in Phys. Rev. A 105, 042611 (2022)

** Mar 28, 2022 ** My work with former student Dr. Yanzhu Chen and collaborators Dr. Sheng-Jie Huang and Prof. Yi-Ting Hsu on "Topological invariants beyond symmetry indicators: Boundary diagnostics for twofold rotationally symmetric superconductors" is now publsihed in Physical Review B 105, 094518.

** Jan 25, 2022 ** My book chapter (review article) with Robert Raussendorf and Ian Affleck on "Some aspects of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki models: tensor network, physical properties, spectral gap, deformation, and quantum computation" was posted at arXiv:2201.09307

** Jan 16th, 2022 ** My work with my student Yabo Li and colleague Prof. Dominik Schneble on "Two-particle States in One-dimensional Coupled Bose-Hubbard Models" was posted at arXvi:2201.05536

** Jan 3rd, 2022 ** My work with my student Hongye Yu and Dr. Deyu Lu and Dr. Qin Wu (from BNL) on "Geometric quantum adiabatic methods for quantum chemistry" was posted at arXiv:2112.15186

** Sep 16th, 2021 ** My work with Yanzhu Chen, Sheng-Jie Huang and Yi-Ting Hsu on "Boundary-diagnosing topological invariants beyond symmetry indicators: A case study of two-fold rotational symmetric superconductors" has appeared in https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.06959

** Aug 13th, 2021 ** Nicholas Pomata successfully defended his PhD disseration. Congratulations! Dr. Pomata.

** July 28th, 2021 ** Yanzhu Chen successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congratulations! Dr. Chen.

** July 28th, 2021 ** My student Yanzhu Chen is the recipient of this year's Scharff-Goldhaber Prize, see BNL's news link. She will be delivering a public talk. Congratulations to Yanzhu!

** July 16th, 2021 ** My paper with student Nhat Nghiem and Dr. Yen-Chi Chen on "A Unified Classification Framework with Quantum Metric Learning",  appeared in Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033056 (2021)

** March 25th, 2021 ** My review article "Measurement-Based Quantum Computation" has appeared in Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Physics; check out the article here

** March 19th, 2021 ** My paper with students Wenhan Guo and Nicholas Pomata on "Nonzero spectral gap in several  uniformly spin-2 and hybrid spin-1 and spin-2 AKLT models" was publsihed in Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013255 (2021)

** March 9th, 2021 ** I gave a virtual seminar at IQUIST; see the link

** Feb. 2nd, 2021 ** My work with student Hongye Yu on "Quantum Zeno approach for molecular energies with maximum commuting initial Hamiltonians" is now at Physical Review Research 3, 013104 (2021)

** Jan 22nd, 2021 **  My paper with former visitor Prof. Wanzhou Zhang and his collaborators on "Unsupervised learning of topological phase transitions using Calinski-Harabaz index" is now published at Physical Review Research 3, 013074 (2021).

** Jan 15th, 2021 ** Thanks to my collaborators, we have another QML paper posted on the arXiv: "Hybrid Quantum-Classical Graph Convolutional Network", Sam Yen-Chi Chen, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Chao Zhang, Haiwang Yu, and Shinjae Yoo, arXiv:2101.06189

** December 22th, 2020 ** I collaborated with a team of BNL scientists, Drs. Yen-Chi Chen, Chao Zhang, Haiwang Yu, and Shinjae Yoo, on "Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks for High Energy Physics Data Analysis", arXiv: arXiv:2012.12177

** December 21th, 2020 ** I was part of a team in a work on "Application of Quantum Machine Learning using the Quantum Variational Classifier Method to High Energy Physics Analysis at the LHC on IBM Quantum Computer Simulator and Hardware with 10 qubits", arXiv: 2012.11560, led by Sau Lan Wu from University of Wisconsin

** December 18th, 2020 ** My paper with student Nikko Pomata and Prof. Sriram Ganeshan on "In search of a many-body mobility edge with matrix product states in a Generalized Aubry-André model with interactions" has been posted to arXiv:2012.09853

** October 27th, 2020 ** My paper with undergraduate student Anh Nghiem and Dr. Sam Yen-Chi Chen (BNL) on  "A Unified Classification Framework with Quantum Metric Learning",  has been posted to arXiv:2010.13186

** October 14th, 2020 ** My paper with former visitor Prof. Wanzhou Zhang and his collaborators on "Unsupervised learning of topological phase transitions using Calinski-Harabaz index" has been posted to arXiv:2010.06136
** October 8th, 2020 ** My paper with students Wenhan Guo and Nikko Pomata on "The AKLT models on the singly decorated diamond lattice and two degree-4 planar lattices are gapped" has been posted to arXiv:2010.03137
** June 1st, 2020 ** My paper with student Hongye Yu on "Quantum Zeno approach with maximum stabilizer Hamiltonians for molecular energies" has appeared in arXiv:2006.01066

** April 28, 2020 ** My paper with student Nikko Pomata on "Demonstrating the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki spectral gap on 2D degree-3 lattices", has now appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 177203 (2020)
[see also comments on Nov 5, 2019 below]

** March 23, 2020 ** My paper with student Yanzhu Chen on "Quantum algorithm for spectral projection by measuring an ancilla iteratively" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. A 101, 032339 (2020). [One picture was selected in PRA's Kaleidoscope]

** Nov 14, 2019 ** My paper with students Yanzhu Chen and Maziar Farahzad and Dr. Shinjae Yoo on "Detector Tomography on IBM 5-qubit Quantum Computers and Mitigation of Imperfect Measurement" has appeared in Phys. Rev. A 100, 052315 (2019).

** Nov 5, 2019 ** My paper with student Nikko Pomata on "Demonstrating the AKLT spectral gap on 2D degree-3 lattices" has been posted to arXiv:1911.01410, where we showed that the spin-3/2 Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) model  on the hexagonal lattice has a finite nonzero gap between the ground state and the first excited state in the thermodynamic limit. This gap was conjectured in the original work of AKLT in 1987. We also demonstrated the existence of a gap for the 2D AKLT model on other degree-3 lattices (also of spin-3/2 particles), such as the square-octagon (4,8,8), cross (4,6,12), and the star (3,12,12) lattices. In addition, we showed that the spectral gap exists in two hybrid AKLT models: one on the singly decorated hexagonal lattice (with a mixture of spin-3/2 and spin-1 particles) and the other on the singly decorated square lattice (with a mixture of spin-2 and spin-1 particles). The issue of the gap on decorated AKLT models was considered in a work of Abdul-Rahman, Lemm, Lucia, Nachtergaele, and Young and a recent work of ours.  For the hexagonal AKLT model, see also the work of Lemm, Sandvik, and Wang, arXiv:1910.11810, using a different, also numerically-assisted (SU(2) invariant DMRG), method. A while ago, my collaborators and I showed that this AKLT model, other degree-3 lattice ones, mixtures, and the spin-2 AKLT model on the square and diamond lattices are universal resource for measurement-based quantum computation.

** Oct 30, 2019** I gave a seminar at CSI of BNL; the title is "Characterizing readout in quantum computers: does the reading '0' really mean 0 and '1' really 1?"

** Oct 3, 2019 ** I am a (unfunded) collaborator of a DOE project led by Dr. Shinjae Yoo in BNL; see this and thanks BNL's Newsroom for the honorable mention of my name.

** Sep 19, 2019 **  My paper with student Nikko Pomata on "AKLT models on decorated square lattices are gapped" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 100, 094429 (2019).

** Sep 7, 2019 ** My ancient paper with former master student Aydin Deger on "Geometric Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in Generalized Cluster-XY models" has finally been published in Quantum Inf Process 18: 326 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-019-2439-7

** Sep, 2019 ** I was awarded an NSF grant to develop tools for characterizing noisy quantum processors and how they might be used for quantum advantage

** Aug, 2019 ** My student Yanzhu Chen won the IACS Jr. Researcher Award. Congratulations!
** Aug 1, 2019 ** I gave a seminar at Physics Department, National Taiwan University on "Quantum Computation: selected discussions on the frameworks, algorithms and characterization"

** July 15, 2019 ** I gave a seminar at Physics Department, National Cheng-Kung University on "Quantum Computation: selected discussions on the frameworks, algorithms and characterization"

** July 11, 2019 ** I gave a seminar at NCTS, National Tsinghua University on "Quantum Computation: selected discussions on the frameworks, algorithms and characterization"

** June 13, 2019 ** I gave a talk at the program Quantum Information and String Theory 2019 (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto) on "Two-dimensional AKLT states as (1) ground states of gapped Hamiltonians and (2) resource for quantum computation"

** May 6th, 2019 ** My paper with student Nikko Pomata on "AKLT models on decorated square lattices are gapped" was uploaded to arXiv:1905.01275

** April 29th, 2019 ** My paper with students Yanzhu Chen and Maziar Farahzad and Dr. Shinjae Yoo on "Detector Tomography on IBM 5-qubit Quantum Computers and Mitigation of Imperfect Measurement" was uploaded to arXiv:1904.11935

** March 29th, 2019 ** My paper with Prof. Wanzhou Zhang on "Machine learning of phase transitions in the percolation and XY models" has appeared in Phys. Rev. E 99, 032142 (2019) 

** March 28th, 2019 ** My work with student Yanzhu Chen on "Quantum algorithm for spectral projection by measuring an ancilla" has appeared on arXiv:1903.11999

** Feb 27th, 2019 ** I gave a colloquium at City College of New York on "Quantum Computation: an introduction and brief survey of recent trends"

** Feb 25th, 2019 ** We organized the "Quantum Immersion Workshop" at Stony Brook, with two keynote speakers Dr. Barry Sanders from Calgary and Dr. Seth Lloyd from MIT; see here; I gave an introductory talk on "Quantum Algorithms and Programming Environment".

** Feb. 11th, 2019 ** I gave a colloqium at Binghamton University on "Quantum Computation: an introduction and brief survey of recent trends"

** Nov. 13, 2018 ** I gave a talk on "Unwinding Short-Range Entanglement" at a workshop Entanglement and Dynamical Systems at Simons Center for Geometry and Physics "Measurement-based quantum computation"

** Nov. 11, 2018 ** I gave a colloquium at Yeshiva University on  "Recent Trends in Quantum Computation" and a seminar on "Measurement-based quantum computation"

** Oct. 12, 2018 ** I gave a talk on "Measurement-based quantum computation using symmetry-protected topological states" at the 5th International Workshop on Quantum Coherence, Control, and Computing held at Stevens Institute

** Sep 30, 2018 ** I gave a talk on "How quantum computation can help solve quantum many-body problems?" at the annual meeting of  Computational Material Science Center of BNL

** Sep 14, 2018 ** My work with former student Dr. Colin West on "Global and short-range entanglement properties in excited, many-body localized spin chains" was posted on the arXiv:1809.04689

** Sep 7, 2018 ** I gave a seminar at our CS department on "Recent Trends on Quantum Computation"
** Sep 7, 2018 ** My work with by now former student Dr. Abhishodh Prakash and Dr. Juven Wang on "Unwinding Short-Range Entanglement" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 98, 125108 (2018).

** Aug. 30, 2018 ** I gave a seminar at NCKU on "Recent Trends in Quantum Computation"

** Aug. 24, 2018 ** I gave a seminar at NTU on "Recent Trends in Quantum Computation"

** July 27, 2018 ** My work with Nicholas Pomata and Ching-Yu Huang on "Phase transitions of a two-dimensional deformed Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki model" has appeared at Phys. Rev. B 98, 014432 (2018)

** June 25, 2018** My student Abhishodh Prakash successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr Prakash!

** May 27-Juen 10, 2018 ** I attended the workshop on "From Physics to Applications of Quantum Computers" at the Aspen for Physics.

** May 22, 2018 ** I gave a talk on "Spin systems for quantum computation via local measurement" in the Joint Science Meeting between IACS and Tokyo Institute of Technology held at SBU

** May 4, 2018 ** I gave a seminar at the IACS on "Introduction to Quantum Computer: What's all the fuss about?"

** May 1st, 2018 ** My work with Abhishodh Prakash and Juven Wang on "Unwinding Short-Range Entanglement" has appeared in the arXiv:1804.11236

** April 27, 2018 ** My review paper on "Quantum spin systems for measurement-based quantum computation" has now appeared in Advances in Physics X, 3:1, DOI: 10.1080/23746149.2018.1461026.

** April 27, 2018 ** I gave a talk on "Exploiting Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases for Quantum Computation" at the Graduate Center, CUNY.

** April 10, 2018 ** My work with visitor Prof. Wanzhou Zhang and his student on "Machine learning of phase transitions in the percolation and XY models", has appeared in arXiv:1804.02709

** April 9, 2018 ** I gave a talk on "Quantum Computer: What's all the fuss about?" at CFN, Brookhaven National Lab.

** Feb. 5, 2018 ** My paper with students Yanzhu Chen and Abhishodh Prakash on "Universal quantum computing using $Z_d^3$ symmetry-protected topologically ordered states" has appeared in Phys. Rev. A 97, 022305 (2018).

** I co-organized the Simons Center workshop on "Tensor-Network Methods: Structure, Applications and Holography" December 11 – 15, 2017

** Nov 16, 2017 ** I gave a talk on "A disordered spin chain with on-site finite non-Abelian symmetry—a case study of its eigenstate phases" at the Simons Center Workshop on Progress in quantum collective phenomena – from MBL to black holes

** Nov 2, 2017 ** My work with Yanzhu Chen and Abhishodh Prakash on "Universal quantum computing using (Z_d)^3 symmetry-protected topologically ordered states" has appeared in arXiv:1711.00094

** Nov 2, 2017 ** My work with Nikko Pomata and Ching-Yu Huang on "Phase transitions of a 2D deformed-AKLT model" has appeared in arXiv:1711.00036

** Oct 18, 2017 ** My work with Abhishodh Prakash, Sriram Ganeshan and Lukasz Fidkowski on "Eigenstate phases with finite on-site non-Abelian symmetry" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 96, 165136 (2017).

** Sep 12, 2017 ** My work with Ching-Yu Huang on "Universal measurement-based quantum computation in two-dimensional SPT phases", has appeared in  Phys. Rev. A 96, 032317 (2017).

** July 6, 2017 ** My work with David T. Stephen, Dong-Sheng Wang, Abhishodh Prakash and Robert Raussendorf on "Computational Power of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases" has appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 010504 (2017); work with same group of people on "Symmetry-protected topological phases with uniform computational power in one dimension" has also appeared in Phys. Rev. A 96, 012302 (2017),

** June 20, 2017 ** My work with Abhishodh Prakash, Sriram Ganeshan and Lukasz Fidkowski on "Ergodicity and symmetry breaking in disordered spin chains with on-site non-Abelian symmetry" was posted at arXiv:1706.06062

** May 31, 2017 ** My work with Ching-Yu Huang and Roman Orus on "Holographic encoding of universality in corner spectra" is now at Phys. Rev. B  95, 195170 (2017)

** May 22-30, 2017 ** I attended the Second UBC workshop on Algebraic Structures in Quantum Computation and gave a talk on "Symmetry-protected topologically ordered states for universal quantum computation"

** May 22, 2017 ** My work with Ching-Yu Huang on "Universal measurement-based quantum computation in two-dimensional SPT phases" is now at arXiv:1705.06833

** April 12, 2017 ** I gave a talk at SUNY Polytech Institute on "Quantum Computation: When Computer Science Meets Quantum Mechanics"
** Feb. 8, 2017 ** My work with former master student Aydin Deger on "Geometric Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in Generalized Cluster-XY models" is now at arXiv:1702.01800 

** Feb. 7, 2017 ** My work with Ching-Yu Huang and Roman Orus on "Holographic encoding of universality in corner spectra" is now at arXiv:1702.01598

** Nov. 25, 2016 ** My work with David T. Stephen, Dong-Sheng Wang, Abhishodh Prakash and Robert Raussendorf on "Determining the computational power of symmetry protected topological phases" has been posted to arXiv:1611.08053

** Oct 14, 2016 ** My work with Dr. Ching-Yu Huang and former master student Maximilian Anton Wagner on “Emergence of the XY-like phase in the deformed spin-3/2 AKLT systems” has just appeared in Phys. Rev. B 94, 165130 (2016)

** Sep 26 - Oct 7, 2016 ** I attended the KITP program on  "Symmetry, Topology, and Quantum Phases of Matter: From Tensor Networks to Physical Realizations"

** Sep 26, 2016 ** My work joint with Robert Raussendorf, Dongsheng Wang, Abhishodh Prakash and David Stephen on "Symmetry-protected topological phases with uniform computational power in one dimension" has appeared in arXiv:1609.07549

** Sep 19, 2016 ** I gave a lecture on "Entanglement as a resource for quantum computation" at Simons Center 

** Aug 28, 2016 ** I gave a tutorial on "Introduction to measurement-based quantum computation" (slides are here) at AQIS 2016

** July 27, 2016 ** My work with students Abhishodh Prakash and Colin West on "Detection of gapped phases of a one-dimensional spin chain with on-site and spatial symmetries" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 94, 045136 (2016)

** May 27, 2016 ** My work with Dr. Ching-Yu Huang and former master student Maximilian Anton Wagner on “Emergence of the XY-like phase in the deformed spin-3/2 AKLT systems” has been posted to arXiv:1605.08417

** May 16, 2016 ** My student Aydin Deger successfuly defended his Master thesis. Congratulations!

** May 13, 2016 ** My student Colin West was one of the finalists in the Final Competition of  FameLab USA: Exploring Earth and Beyond in Washington, DC. Congrat, Colin!

** May 5, 2016 ** My student Colin West successfuly defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations! Dr. West.

** Apr. 30, 2016 ** My work Dr. Ching-Yu Huang on "Detecting and identifying 2D symmetry-protected topological, symmetry-breaking and intrinsic topological phases with modular matrices via tensor-network methods" has been published in  Phys. Rev. B 93, 155163 (2016)

** Apr. 4, 2016 ** My work with students Abhishodh Prakash and Colin West on “Detection of gapped phases of a 1D spin chain with onsite and spatial symmetries” was posted to arXiv: 1604.00037

** Jan. 20, 2016 ** I gave a seminar at National Taiwan University (Department of Physics) on "Detecting and characterizing symmetry-protected topological phases"

** Jan. 11, 2016 ** I gave a seminar at National Cheng-Kung University (Department of Physics) on "Novel universal resource states for quantum computation by local measurement"

** Dec. 26, 2015 ** My work Dr. Ching-Yu Huang on "Detecting and identifying 2D symmetry-protected topological, symmetry-breaking and intrinsic topological phases with modular matrices via tensor-network methods" has been posted to arXiv:1512.07842

** Dec. 21, 2015 ** My work with high school student John Liang (Rumson-Fair Haven High School) on "Hamiltonian quantum computer in one dimension" has been published in Phys. Rev. A 92, 062334 (2015)

** Dec. 1, 2015 ** My work with high school student John Liang (Rumson-Fair Haven High School) on "Hamiltonian quantum computer in one dimension" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review A

** Nov. 10, 2015 ** My work with master student Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup on "Symmetry-protected topologically ordered states for universal quantum computation" appeared in Phys. Rev. A 92, 052309 (2015)
** Oct 26-28, 2015 ** Visited Institut Transdisciplinaire d'Information Quantique (INTRIQ) at Sherbrooke and gave a talk on "Novel universal resource states for quantum computation by local measurement" on Oct. 26.

** Oct. 7, 2015 ** The following figure from our work  Phys. Rev. B 92, 125132 (2015) was selected in the Kaleidoscope of Physical Review B
 Magnetization in the complex field plane of 3D Ising model
** Sep 17, 2015 ** My work "Density of Yang-Lee zeros in the thermodynamic limit from tensor network methods" with postdoc Artur Garcia-Saez has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 92, 125132 (2015)

** Sep 11, 2015 ** My work “Symmetry-protected topologically ordered states for universal quantum computation ” with master student Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup has appeared in arXiv:1509.02947

** Sep 3, 2015 ** My work with grad student Colin West and postdoc Artur Garcia-Saez on "Efficient evaluation of high-order moments and cumulants in tensor network states" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 92, 115103 (2015)

** Sep 1, 2015 ** My work with postdoc Artur Garcia-Saez on "Density of Yang-Lee zeros in the thermodynamic limit from tensor network methods” has appeared in arXiv:1508.07751

** Aug 17-21, 2015 ** Attend Workshop on Quantum Marginals and Numerical Ranges held at the University of Guelph

** Aug 6, 2015 ** My work with Ching-Yu Huang on "Transition of a Z3 topologically ordered phase to trivial and critical phases" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 92, 085405 (2015)

** Aug 6, 2015 ** My work with Abhishodh Prakash on "Ground-state forms of 1D symmetry-protected topological phases and their utility as resource states for measurement-based quantum computation" has now appeared in Phys. Rev. A 92, 022310 (2015)

** July 9, 2015 ** My work with Robert Raussendorf on "Universal measurement-based quantum computation with spin-2 Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states" has appeared in Phys. Rev A 92, 012310 (2015).

** May 28, 2015 ** My work with Trent M. Graham, Herbert J. Bernstein, Marius Junge, and Paul G. Kwiat on  “SuperDense teleportation using hyperentangled photons” has appeared in Nature Communications 6, 7185 (2015). Media coverages:  1,2&3

** May 26, 2015 ** I gave a seminar  “Transitions of Z3 topological phase to trivial and critical phases” at the University of Mainz, Germany

** May 20, 2015 ** I attended TQC2015 and gave a talk there.

** April 17, 2015 ** My student Colin West won NASA Regional Heat #3 FameLab Competition. Congrats, Colin!
** March 24, 2015 ** My work with Colin West and Artur Garcia-Saez "Efficient evaluation of high-order moments and cumulants in tensor network states" has been posted on the arXiv:1503.07045

** March 11, 2015 ** My work with Ching-Yu Huang on "Transition of a Z3 topologically ordered phase to trivial and critical phases" has been posted on the arXiv:1503.03419

** March 3rd, 2015** I gave a talk on "The spin-2 AKLT state on the square lattice is a universal resource for quantum computation" at APS March Meeting in San Antonio.

** Jan. 30, 2015 ** My work with Robert Raussendorf on "Universal measurement-based quantum computation with spin-2 Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states" was posted on the arXiv:1501.07571

** Jan 1&2, 2015** I gave lectures on "Topological entanglement and minimally entangled states via the geometric measure of entanglement" at Topological phases of matter, quantum field theory, and quantum information school/workshop

** Dec. 31, 2014** I gave a colloquium on "Entanglement as a resource for quantum computation" at National Chong Cheng University

** Dec. 18, 2014** I gave a talk on "Geometric entanglement in topologically ordered states and their transitions: a case study in Kitaev's toric code" at NCTS Program on Topological Aspects of Quantum Matter

** Dec. 14, 2014** I gave a talk on "Transitions in quantum computational  power" at Asia-Pacific Conference & Workshop on Quantum Information Science 2014

** Nov. 19, 2014 ** My work with Roman Orus, Oliver Buerschaper, and Artur Garcia-Saez was accepted in PRL

** Nov. 14, 2014 ** I gave a talk locally here in the Center for Quantum Materials at Stony Brook on "Geometric entanglement in Kitaev’s toric code and transition to trivial phase by string tension"

** Nov. 6, 2014 ** My work with Oliver Buerschaper, Artur Garcia-Saez & Roman Orus on "Topological Minimally Entangled States via Geometric Measure" has now appeared in J. Stat. Mech. (2014) P11009

** Oct. 27, 2014 ** My paper with Poya Haghnegahdar and Robert Raussendorf and "Hybrid valence-bond states for universal quantum computation" has appeared in  Phys. Rev. A 90, 042333 (2014)

** Oct. 21-24, 2014 ** Attending "The 4th International Workshop on Entanglement, Decoherence and Quantum Control" and gave a talk there

** Oct. 6, 2014 ** My work with Abhishodh Prakash on "Universal single-qubit gates in a symmetry-protected topological phase" was posted to the arXiv:1410.0974

** Oct. 3, 2014 ** My work with Oliver Buerschaper, Artur Garcia-Saez & Roman Orus on "Topological Minimally Entangled States via Geometric Measure" was posted on the arXiv:1410.0484

** July 28-31, 2014 ** Visiting University of British Columbia and gave a seminar there

** June 4, 2014 ** My work with Roman Orus, Oliver Buerschaper, and Artur Garcia-Saez on "Topological transitions from multipartite entanglement with tensor networks: sharper and faster", was posted on the arXiv:1406.0585

** May 21-23, 2014 ** I was visiting Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) at Los Alamos National Lab and gave a seminar on "Quantum computational universality of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states on two-dimensional lattices"

** May 14, 2014 ** I gave a colloquium on "Quantum Computation by Local Measurement" at Hunter College, City University of New York

** May 13, 2014 ** My work on "Transitions in the quantum computational power" has appeared in Phys. Rev. A 89, 052315 (2014)

** Feb. 28, 2014 ** My work with Ying Li and Leong Chuan Kwek on "Transitions in the quantum computational power" has appeared on the arXiv: 1402.4390

** Jan. 14, 2014 ** My work with Roman Orus, Oliver Buerschaper, and Maarten Van den Nest on "Geometric entanglement in topologically ordered states" has appeared at New J. Phys. 16, 013015 (2014)

** Dec. 16, 2013 ** My work with Artur Garcia-Saez and Valentin Murg on "Spectral gaps of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki Hamiltonians using Tensor Network methods" has appeared in Phys. Rev. B 88, 245118 (2013)

** Dec. 5, 2013 ** My work on "Quantum computational universality of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states beyond the honeycomb lattice" has appeared at Phys. Rev. A 88, 062307 (2013)

** Nov. 1, 2013 ** Postdoctoral position in  theoretical quantum information science is available here at C.N. Yang Institute; see the post on AcademicJobsOnline (review starts on Dec. 1, 2013).

** Oct. 21, 2013 ** My work with Poya Haghnegahdar, Robert Raussendorf on "Spin mixture AKLT states for universal quantum computation" has been posted on the arXiv:1310.5100.
 ** Sep 1, 2013 ** My NSF grants were approved: Award # PHY 1314748 "Exploration of classical-quantum and easy-hard boundaries" and Award # PHY 1333903  "Aspects of Quantum Computational Universality in the Measurement-Based Models"

** Aug 17, 2013 ** My work with Artur Garcia and Valentin Murg on "Spectral gaps of AKLT Hamiltonians using Tensor Network methods" has appeared on the arXiv:1308.3631

** July 31, 2013 ** I gave an invited talk at the Workshop of Statistical Physics of Quantum Matter in Taipei

** June 24, 2013 ** Kevin Lee from University High School, Irvine, CA has joined our group for the summer as a Simons Summer Research Fellow. Welcome Kevin!

** June 7, 2013 ** My work on "Quantum computational universality of spin-3/2 Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki states on trivalent Archimedean lattices" has been posted on the arXiv.

** April 4, 2013 ** My work with Roman Orus, Oliver Buerschaper and Maarten Van den Nest on "Topological Order from Geometric Entanglement" has been posted on the arXiv.

 ** Oct. 4, 2012 ** One figure in my paper with Affleck and Raussendorf "Two-dimensional Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki state on the honeycomb lattice is a universal resource for quantum computation" is chosen by Physical Review A as an image in Kaleidoscope.

** Oct. 1, 2012 ** Dr. Artur Garcia has joined us from Barcelona. Welcome Artur!

** Sep. 21, 2012 ** My work "Two-dimensional Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki state on the honeycomb lattice is a universal resource for quantum computation" with Ian Affleck and Robert Raussendorf (that extends our earlier work) is now published at Phys. Rev. A 86, 032328 (2012)

** Aug. 30, 2012 ** Colin West passed the oral exam, and joined my group officially.

** Aug. 3, 2012 ** I was quoted by Don Monroe on a Physics article "Measuring the Shape of a Photon" Physics 5, 86 (2012)

** May 5-19, 2012 ** I attended the workshop "Networking tensor networks: many-body systems and simulations" in Benasque, Spain

** Mar. 5, 2012 ** My review with Robert Raussendorf on "Quantum Computation by Local Measurement" has been publsihed in the Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 3: 239-261 (March 2012)  .

** Feb. 26 - Mar. 2, 2012 ** I was attending APS March Meeting in Boston. I gave an invited talk on "Emergence of h/e-period oscillations in the critical temperature of small superconducting rings and critical velocity in one-dimensional superconductors" and two contributed talks (1) "Measurement-Based Quantum Computation with Thermal States and Always-on Interactions" (on behalf on Ying Li, who couldn't attend) and (2) "Quantum Computational Universality of the 2D Cai-Miyake-Dur-Briegel Quantum State"

** Dec. 12, 2011** Postodoctoral Position in Quantum Information Science  available  at YITP!

** Dec. 12-16, 2011 ** I'm attending QIP2012 in Montreal
** Oct 19, 2011 ** My work with Robert Raussendorf and Leong Chuan Kwek on "Quantum computational universality of the Cai-Miyake-Dur-Briegel 2D quantum state from Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki quasichains" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. A 84, 042333 (2011)

** Oct 18-21, 2011 ** I attended the workshop on "Quantum Information in Quantum Many-Body Physics", Montreal and gave a talk on "Measurement-based quantum computation with thermal states and always-on interactions"

** Sep 30, 2011 ** My work with Robert Raussendorf and Leong Chuan Kwek on "Quantum computational universality of the Cai-Miyake-Dur-Briegel 2D quantum state from Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki quasichains" has just been accepted for publication in PRA

** Sep 27, 2011 ** One of my mentors at UBC, Ian Affleck, has recently been awarded the 2012 Lars Onsager Prize. Congrats, Ian!

** Sep 7, 2011 ** I moved to Stony Brook

** Aug 30, 2011 ** My work with Robert Raussendorf, Pradeep Sarvepalli and Poya Haghnegahdar on "Measurement-based quantum computation--a quantum-mechanical toy model for spacetime?" is now on the arXiv:1108.5774

** Aug 23-26, 2011 ** I visited Quantum Information Group at the University of College London and gave a talk on "Topological Geometric Entanglement of Blocks"

** Aug 15, 2011 ** I visited the Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo

** Aug 18, 2011 ** My work with Roman Orus and Honghao Tu on "Phase diagram of the SO(n) bilinear-biquadratic chain from many-body entanglement" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. B 84, 064409 (2011)

** Aug 8-12, 2011 ** I am attending Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control, Fields Institute, Toronto, Aug. 8-12, 2011 (invited)

** Aug 7, 2011 ** My work with Roman Orus on "Topological Geometric Entanglement of Blocks" is now on the arXiv:1108.1537

** Aug 1, 2011 ** My work with Ying Li, Dan Browne, Leong Chuan Kwek and Robert Raussendorf on "Thermal State as Universal Resources for Quantum Computation with Always-on Interaction" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 060501 (2011)

** July 26, 2011 ** My work with Roman Orus and Hong-Hao Tu on "Phase diagram of the SO(n) bilinear-biquadratic chain from many-body entanglement" has been accepted by PRB

** July 4-15, 2011 ** I attended the workshop on Quantum Condensation at HKUST, Hong Kong

** June 30, 2011 ** My recent work with Jingfu Zhang and Raymond Laflamme on "Experimental Quantum Simulation of Entanglement in Many-Body Systems" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 010501 (2011)

** June 27, 2011 ** My recent work with Ying Li, Dan Browne, Leong Chuan Kwek, and Robert Raussendorf on "Thermal State as Universal Resources for Quantum Computation with Always-on Interactions" has just been accepted by PRL

 ** May 2011 ** I will be moving this fall to take on a faculty position at CN Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) (affilated with Physics and Astronomy), Stony Brook University

** May 31, 2011 ** My recent work with Jingfu Zhang and Raymond Laflamme on " Experimental Quantum Simulation of Entanglement in Many-body Systems " has just been accepted by PRL

** April 13-14, 2011 ** I visited National Taiwan University (Taipei)

** April 11-12, 2011 ** I visited National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu)

** April 3-7, 2011 ** I attended CIFAR Winter School in Whistler and gave a joint talk with Ian Affleck

** Mar. 31, 2011 ** My work with Jonathan Lavoie and Rainer Kaltenbaek on "creating multi-photon bound entangled states" has appeared in PRA 83, 033839 (2011)

** Mar. 28-30, 2011 ** I visited the University of Waterloo and gave a seminar at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and another one in the Applied Math Department

** Mar. 20-25, 2011 ** I attended APS March Meeting in Dallas and gave contributed talks there

** Mar. 14-16, 2011 ** I visited MIT and gave a "Chez Pierre" seminar there

** Mar. 11, 2011 ** I visited the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA) at University of Amsterdam (UvA)

** Mar. 2 - 4, 2011 ** I visited Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis and gave a colloquium there

** Feb. 27 - Mar. 2, 2011 ** I visited the Chen Ning Yang Insitute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) at Stony Brook and gave a seminar there

** Feb. 27, 2011 ** My work with Ying Li, Dan Browne, Leon Chuan Kwek and Robert Raussendorf on "Thermal States as Universal Resources for Quantum Computation with Always-on Interactions" has been uploaded to arXiv:1102.5153

** Feb. 17, 2011 ** My recent work with Jonathan Lavoie and Rainer Kaltenbaek on "creating multi-photon bound entangled states" has just been accepted in PRA

** Feb. 16-19, 2011 ** I visited University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and gave a seminar there

** Feb. 14-15, 2011 ** I visited University of Missouri at Kansas City

** Feb. 16, 2011 ** My work with Affleck and Raussendorf has appeared in PRL 106, 070501 (2011) , selected as Editors' Suggestion Editor's Suggestion

** Jan. 25, 2011 ** My recent work with Ian Affleck and Robert Raussendorf on the 2D AKLT state has just been accepted in PRL

** Jan. 23-29, 2011 ** I am currently visitng the Theory Division (Prof. Cirac's group) in Max Planck Insitute of Quantum Optics at Garching, Germany; I gave a talk there on Jan. 24.

** Jan. 13 ** My work with Lin Chen and Huangjun Zhu on "Connections of geometric measure of entanglement of pure symmetric states to quantum state estimation" has appeared in Phys. Rev. A 83, 012305 (2011)
** Jan. 10-14, 2011 ** I was attending QIP 2011 (14th Workshop on Quantum Information Processing) at Sentosa, Singapore, and gave a contributed talk there

** Jan. 6-18, 2011 ** I was visiting Center for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at NUS, Singapore

** Dec. 30, 2010 ** I was visiting Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei and gave a talk there

** Dec. 27-29, 2010 ** I was visiting Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei and gave a talk there

** Dec. 20-23, 2010 ** I was visiting Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and gave a talk there

** Dec. 16, 2010 ** I was "promoted" to a research associate, starting from November 2010

** Nov. 23-26, 2010 ** I was visiting Aisa Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) at Pohang, Korea and gave a talk there

** Nov. 14-19, 2010 ** I was attending "Simons Conference on New Trends in Quantum Computation" at Stony Brook and gave a talk there

** Oct. 18, 2010 ** My work with Roman Orus on "Visualizing elusive phase transitions with geometric entanglement" has been publsihed in Phys. Rev. B 82, 155120 (2010)

** Oct. 7, 2010 ** My work with Wade De Gottardi, Victoria Fernandez, and Smitha Vishveshwara on "Accessing nanotube bands via crossed electric and magnetic fields" has been published in PRB

** Sep 16, 2010 ** My recent work with Ian Affleck and Robert Raussendorf on AKLT states and measurement-based quantum computation is now at arXiv:1009.2840

** Sep. 28, 2010 ** My work with Roman Orus on "Visualizing elusive phase transitions with geometric entanglement" has been accepted in PRB

** Sep. 28, 2010 ** My work with Simone Severini on "Matrix Permanent and Quantum Entanglement of Permutation Invariant States" has finally appeared in J. Math. Phys. 51, 092203 (2010)

** Sep 16, 2010 ** My recent work with Ian Affleck and Robert Raussendorf on AKLT states and measurement-based quantum computation is now at arXiv:1009.2840

** Sep. 14, 2010 ** My work with Wade De Gottardi, Victoria Fernandez, and Smitha Vishveshwara on "Accessing nanotube bands via crossed electric and magnetic fields" has been accepted in PRB

** Sep 1-10, 2010 ** I visited CQT at National University of Singapore.

** Aug. 25-28 ** I visited KAIST in Daejeon, Korea  and gave a seminar there

** Aug. 24 ** I visited RCAS, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan and gave a seminar there

** Aug. 20 ** I gave a two-hour lecture in the Summer School of QC10

** Aug. 9-20 ** I attended QC10 workshop: Advanced Program on Quantum Condensation, held at NCTS, Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan and gave a seminar there

** July 23, 2010 ** Workshop on Quantum Algorithms, Computational Models, and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics is underway!

** July 17, 2010 **  Tenth Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information is now taking place!

July 16, 2010 ** My paper with Julio Barreiro and Paul Kwiat on "Remote Preparation of Single-Photon Hybrid Entangled and Vector-Polarization States" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 030407 (2010)

June 15, 2010 ** My paper on "Entanglement under the renormalization-group transformations on quantum states and quantum phase transitions using matrix product states" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. A 81, 062313 (2010)

** June 11, 2010 ** My paper on  with Julio T. Barreiro and Paul G. Kwiat on "Remote preparation of single-photon hybrid entangled and vector-polarization states" has just been accepted in PRL 

** May 28, 2010 ** My paper on "Exchange symmetry and global entanglement and full separability" has just appeared in Phys. Rev. A 81, 054102 (2010)

** May 07, 2010 ** My paper on "Entanglement under the renormalization-group transformation on quantum states and in quantum phase transitions" has just been accepted in PRA

** May 06, 2010 ** My paper on "Exchange symmetry and global entanglement and full separability" has just been accepted in PRA

** On May 8, 2010** I will be giving a public lecture on Quantum Computing at a meeting of BC Association of Physics Teachers at Langara College

** April 30, 2010 ** My paper with Matthew Killi, Ian Affleck, and Arun Paramekanti on "Tunable Luttinger liquid physics in biased bilayer graphene" has just been accepted in PRL

** On March 18 ** I gave a talk on "Re-examing the critical velocity of a clean one-dimensional superconductor" at APS March Meeting 2010 in Portland

** On March 15 ** I gave a talk on "Interacting boson problems can be QMA-hard" at APS March Meeting 2010 in Portland

** On Jan. 28, 2010** I gave a colloquium on "Quantum entanglement: Manipulating it with few particles and measuring it with many" at Northwestern University

Bosons hopping on a lattice**Jan. 27, 2010** My recent paper with Michele Mosca and Ashwin Nayak on hard boson problems has just appeared in PRL
     see also IQC news