Quantum Information and Quantum Computation

Spring 2020
Physics 680-01
Class Number 46523

Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30am till 9:50am

Physics building, room 128 

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 9:50 am till 10:50am 

Instructors: Vladimir Korepin

Course description 

All sections of QM necessary for information processing will be introduced: interaction with the environment, measurements theory, trace preserving completely positive maps, as well as Bell inequalities. The course will proceed to entanglement theory. Application of entanglement to analysis of dynamical systems will be explained. 

Information theory [starting from Shannon theorems, describibng channel capacity] will be related to statistical physics [including Maxwell's demon and Landauer's Principle] and probability theory.

Algorithm theory:  Grover's quantum algorithms [hardware adjusted quantum search]. Quantum cryptography also will be explained, starting from BB84. Different approaches to building of quantum computers: solid state [Josephson junction], topological and quantum optics [including optical lattices, cold atoms, ion traps, electromagnetically induced transparency and chiral materials]. Different architectures of quantum computation: circuit, adiabatic, topological and measurement based quantum computation. Quantum networking will be a part of the course. 

Application of ideas of quantum information to condensed matter and high energy physics also will be explained: Thirring model, XXZ spin chain, Lieb-Linger model of anyons, Lipatov's spin chain. Simulation of models of mathematical physics in optical lattices also will be explained. 

Computational physics also will be mentioned: matrix product states and relation to algebraic Bethe ansatz.

Highly entangled spin chains [Motzkin and Fredkin] will be mentioned.

Quantum machine learning will be explained. A lecture on qiskit and noisy intermediate scale quantum computers will be organized.

Guest lecturers will be invited. Quantum computer learning club will be organized. 

Learning outcomes 

Mid Term Exam: March ?

Final Exam: May ? 

Main textbooks 

Entanglement in quantum spin chains

Isotropic XY model

XY model 

Renyi entropy in XY model 

Entanglement in AKLT model 

AKLT on arbitrary graph 

Feather reading

Richard Feynman On quantum physics and computer simulation . 

Quantum Mechanics: Photons Corpuscles of Light by Richard Feynman

Claude Shannon Father of the Information Age


Popular lecture by Michael Freedman


Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits 


Anyons in one dimension

Quantum algorithm for partial search

Algebraic Bethe Ansatz and Tensor networks.

Web page of professor Wei : phy680; quantum 

Quantum Information Processing
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