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Tzu-Chieh Wei
C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and Department of Physics and Astronomy
State University of New York at Stony Brook (Stony Brook University), Stony Brook, NY 11794
Office: Math Building 6-115B
Phone: (631) 632-7966, Fax: (631) 632-7954

Update and news** Dec. 2, 2024 ** My work with student Hiroki Sukeno and Dr. Kazuki Ikeda on "Bulk and boundary
entanglement transitions in the projective gauge-Higgs model," has just been published at
Phys. Rev. B 110, 245102 (2024)** Oct. 30, 2024 ** IBM just released a
blog "Advancing quantum algorithms for large-scale simulations of quantum spin chains" that reviewed our previous work "Simulating
large-size quantum spin chains on cloud-based superconducting quantum
computers," Hongye Yu, Yusheng Zhao and Tzu-Chieh Wei,
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013183 (2023)**
Oct. 25, 2025 ** Our work on "Feedback-based Quantum Algorithm Inspired
by Counterdiabatic Driving" with Rajesh K. Malla, Hiroki Sukeno, Hongye
Andreas Weichselbaum, and Robert M. Konik has been published:
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043068 (2024)** Oct. 23, 2024 ** SBU hosted an event Honoring Jim Simons' Impact on Campus.
Remembering Jim Simons (1938-2024)** Oct 15, 2024 ** I visited IQUIST at the University of Illinois and gave a seminar on "
Subspace-thermal discrete time crystals from phase transitions between different n-tuple discrete time crystals" (recorded on YouTube)
Oct. 10, 2024 ** My work with Michele Darienzo, Angela M. Kelly, and
Dominik Schneble on "Student attitudes toward quantum information
science and technology in a high school outreach program" was published
Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 20, 020126 (2024).
** Oct. 8, 2024 **
In Memoriam: Ian Affleck (1952-2024). Ian was a great mentor to me while I was working as a postdoc with Prof. Robert Raussendorf at UBC.
** Sep 30, 2024 **
In Memoriam: Alfred Sharff Goldhaber;
Fred's 50+ years at Stony Brook **
Sep 6, 2024 ** My work with student Anh Nghiem on "Quantum Algorithm
For Testing Convexity of Function" has been posted at
Sep 5, 2024 ** My work with student Hongye Yu on "Subspace-thermal
discrete time crystals from phase transitions between different n-tuple
discrete time crystals" has been posted at
arXiv:2409.02848 **
July 17, 2024 ** My work with students Nhat A. Nghiem, Hiroki
Sukeno, and Shuyu Zhang on "Improved Quantum Power Method and Numerical
Integration Using Quantum Singular Value Transformation" has been
posted at
June 21, 2024 ** My work with students Aswin Parayil Mana, Yabo Li and
Hiroki Sukeno on "Kennedy-Tasaki transformation and noninvertible
symmetry in lattice models beyond one dimension" has been published in
Physical Review B 109, 245129 (2024)**
June 18, 2024 ** My work with David Stephen, Wen-Wei Ho, Robert
Raussendorf and Ruben Verresen on "Universal Measurement-Based Quantum
Computation in a One-Dimensional Architecture Enabled by Dual-Unitary
Circuits" has just been published in
Physical Review Letters 132, 250601 (2024)** April 30, 2024 ** I gave
a talk "A measurement-only approach for entanglement transitions in a projective gauge-Higgs model" based on a joint work with Hirkoki Sukeno and Kazuki Ikeda in a workshop on at Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
April 25, 2024 ** My work with Kevin C. Smith, Abid Khan, Bryan K.
Clark, and S.M. Girvin on "Constant-depth preparation of matrix product
states with adaptive quantum circuits" has been posted at
April 5, 2024 ** My work with student Anh Nghiem on "Quantum
Algorithm For Solving Nonlinear Algebraic Equations" has been posted at
Feb. 20, 2024 ** My work with student Hiroki Sukeno and a postdoc Dr.
Kazuki Ikeda on "Bulk and boundary entanglement transitions in the
projective gauge-Higgs model" has been posted at
Feb 16, 2024 ** My work with students Aswin Parayil Mana, Yabo Li, and
Hiroki Sukeno, on "Kennedy-Tasaki transformation and non-invertible
symmetry in lattice models beyond one dimension" has been posted at
2020-2022: Wish everyone stay healthy and safe amid the pandemic of the Covid-19.
Certificates/Badges1. IBM 2020 Qiskit Global Summer School: (a)
Certificate of Participation and (b)
Certificate of Quantum Excellence2.
IBM Quantum Challenge 20213.
Online Teaching Certificate (OTC): Summer 2021 (Stony Brook University)4.
International Quantum Summer Summit (2021)5.
IBM 2021 Qiskit Global Summer School on Quantum Machine Learning6.
IBM Quantum Challenge - Fall 2021 - Advanced7. IBM 2023 Qiskit Global Summer School (2023)

My Teaching
Spring 2025:
PHY605 Quantum ProgrammingFall 2024:
PHY568 Quantum Information ScienceSpring 2024:
PHY605 Quantum ProgrammingFall 2023:
PHY568 Quantum Information ScienceSpring 2023: PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Fall 2022:
PHY568 Quantum Information Science Spring 2022: PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Fall 2021:
PHY682 Topics in Solid-State Physics ---Introduction to Quantum Information Science
Fall 2020:
PHY682 Topics in Solid-State Physics ---Introduction to Quantum Information Science
Spring 2020: on sabbatical leave (due to the Covid-19 pandemic I ended up staying in Stony Brook)
Fall 2019: PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Spring 2019:
PHY251 Modern Physics Lecture (PHY251) and Recitation (PHY251-R02)
Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Fall 2018: PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Spring 2018:
PHY251 Modern Physics Lecture (PHY251) and Recitation (PHY251-R02)
PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Fall 2017: PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Spring 2017:
PHY251 Modern Physics
Seminar in Theoretical Physics (for schedules of talks, please check
YITP calendar)
Fall 2016: PHY126-R01 Classical Physics B
PHY670 Seminar in
Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check
YITP calendar)
Spring 2016:
PHY308 Quantum Physics and PHY578 Quantum Physics for Teachers
PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (co-organizer; for schedules of talks, please check with
YITP calendar)
Fall 2015:
PHY670 Seminar in Theoretical Physics (Seminar ITP) [
YITP seminar calendar]
Spring 2015:
PHY308 Quantum Physics PHY578 Quantum Physics for Teachers
Fall 2014: PHY126-R01 Classical Physics B
Spring 2014:
PHY680.01 Quantum ComputingFall 2013: PHY131-R10 Classical Physics I
Spring 2013:
PHY598 Graduate Seminar: AMO and Condensed Matter PhysicsFall 2012:
PHY566 Quantum Electronics II (Quantum Optics)Spring 2012:
PHY680.01 Quantum Computing and Quantum Information
research interests
include, but not limited to:
(1) Quantum Information Science: quantum computing, quantum entanglement, quantum state manipulation,
complexity theory etc.
(2) Condensed Matter Physics:
intrinsic and symmetry-protected topological phases, superconductivity, superfluidity, cold atoms and optical
lattices, carbon nanotubes, graphenes, etc.
(3) Tensor-Network methods: MPS, PEPS, etc.
Detailed description is being updated; see here
Useful links
arXiv Blog
Physical Review Letters
Physical Review A
Physical Review B
Nature Physics
Virtual Journals:
Quantum Information
Nano Science & Technology
Applications of Superconductivity
Atomic Quantum Fluids
UBC Physics and Astronomy
Institute for Quantum Computing
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Department of Physics, University of Illinois
CN Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
Preskill Lecture Notes
Quantum Meetings (Daniel Lidar's)
Quantum Conferences (Andrew White's)
Visitor Information:
JFK: It is highly recommended using JFK airport. Use the Airtrain at
JFK to Jamaica Station. (Before exiting Airtrain station at Jamaica,
you need to purchase a ticket, which contains 5 dollars for Airtrain
and LIRR train fare to Port Jefferson or Stony Brook. (Check the
timetable at Long Islands Rail Road or paper copies of it at the train station to determine whether it is a peak or off-peak.) At Jamaica
Station, take the train (Long Islands Rail Road)
towards Port Jefferson (which may appear as a train to Huntington or
Hicksville, check the timetable). Note that you may need to
transfer at
Huntington or Hicksville indicated on the timetable in order to get to
Stony Brook, but it is very easy. Stony
Brook Station, next to the campus is
the last stop before Port Jefferson Station. If you stay on the campus
Hilton Garden Inn, you need to get off at the Stony Brook Station. It is recommended that you contact Hilton Garden
Inn in advance (e.g. the day before or on the morning of
travel) to arrange a pickup from the Stony Brook Station.
It's about 20 minutes walk and there are campus busses looping the campus (see map here), but not as convenient as the arranged
pickup. If
you stay at Danfords, you
get off at the Port
Jefferson Station. You may need to call in advance to arrange a pickup
or take a taxi to your hotel. It's about 15-20 minutes' walk. (Visitors
usually stay
either at Danfords Hotel at Port Jefferson or Hilton Garden Inn on
Stony Brook campus.)
From LGA, you can take a taxi to Jamaica Station, then follow the above
instruction to Stony Brook or Port Jefferson. Or you can take Q70 bus
from LGA to Woodside station of LIRR
(http://www.mta.info/news/2013/09/06/fly-laguardia-lirr) and from
Woodside you can get to Huntington (via the Ronkonkoma line) and
transfer to one that goes to Stony Brook (Port Jefferson line).
From New Havens, Boston or north east by train: take Amtrack to Bridgeport,
CT. Go to the ferry terminal, take the ferry from Bridgeport to Port
Jefferson. The Danfords Hotel
is right next to the ferry at Port Jefferson.
From Danfords Hotel to Stony Brook, there is a hotel shuttle. Ask the
front desk the night before to arrange. Usually there are visitors to
Simons Center using that shuttle service as well. The shuttle driver knows Simons Center. YITP is at the
6th floor of Math Tower, next to Simons Center.
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If you have any question,