Contact Info
Professor - C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
Math Tower - 6-116B
Stony Brook University
Office Phone 631-632-7985
Research Related
Background and Research Interests:
I am currently a Professor in the C.N. Yang Insititute for Theoretical Physics at Stony Brook University. I joined the YITP in 2009 after having completed my PhD in high energy theoretical physics from Cornell University in 2006 and spending time as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and the Institute for Advanced Study. My research interests are focused mainly on physics beyond the Standard Model. I am interested in both phenomenological and theoretical aspects of new physics. Some recently investigated topics include Baryogenesis, Collider Physics, Dark Matter, Flavor Physics, Supersymmetry, Thermal QFTs, and QCD resummation. In general, I am mostly interested in developing and applying Quantum Field Theory techniques to understand our universe.
I am also actively involved in planning and advocating for the future of High Energy Physics. I have been involved in a number of proposals for future experiments and colliders. I have given many colloquiums on this topic and I am always happy to advocate to new audiences. I am particularly interested in a Muon Collider which would represent a paradigm shift for the field and could enable a much deeper understanding of our universe. Muon Collider R&D was recognized by the most recent US HEP prioritization process P5 as "our Muon shot".
The YITP has vibrant programs in both formal and phenomenological theory, and we have close connections to the Physics Department, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. For example, the Stony Brook physics department has one of the few academic accelerator physics groups in the US, and I have recently been co-advising an accelerator PhD student on Muon Colliders with a BNL staff member.
My research has been supported by the NSF as co-PI of NSF grant PHY-0653354, PI of the NSF CAREER award PHY-1056833, NSF award PHY-1620628, NSF award PHY-1915093, and most recently by PHY-2210533. For muon collider accelerator physics work I have been supported by a BNL-SBU seed grant.
As part of my research in the past, I devloped a monte carlo tool in collaboration with Matt Reece for simulating particle decays BRIDGE
YITP Postdocs and Students
The YITP is a large theory group and I have worked directly with several postdocs and students who have been part of the YITP, including some of whom I have supervised for their PhD. Contact me if you are interested in a position in our group.
- David Curtin (faculty U. Toronto)
- Daniel Egana-Ugrinovic (Simons postdoc at Perimeter Institute)
- Samuel McDermott (postdoc at FNAL)
- Tien-Tien Yu (faculty U.Oregon)
- Mauro Valli (faculty INFN Rome)
- Dimitrios Athanasakos
- Matthew Forslund*
- Samuel Homiller* (PhD 2020, Postdoc Harvard)
- Artemis Giannakopoulou*
- Prerit Jaiswal (private industry)
- Harikrishnan Ramani* (PhD 2017, faculty U. Delaware)
- Pin-Ju Tien* (PhD 2015, private industry)
- Mao Zeng (postdoc UCLA)
- *=I am/was primary PhD supervisor
CV and Papers:
- My CV including papers in mathematics not found on iNSPIRE (Fall 2024) pdf
- My physics papers via iNSPIRE-HEP
Articles related to myself and my research group:
- Press release about being elected as an APS fellow
- Physics today article about P5 roadmap
- Article in Scientific American about Muon Colliders
- Several YouTube interviews with Sam Gregson on the FCC, P5 release, and Muon Colliders
- Article in Scientific American about HEP Snowmass planning process
- Sam Homiller wins APS J.J. and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award in Theoretical Particle Physics for 2021.
- An article about anomalies in Particle Physics
- University press release about Electroweak Symmetry non-restoration phase
- Article about diphoton anomaly
- Article about discovery of gravitational waves
- A slightly overstated article from Scientific American about our research that David Curtin was quoted in.
- An amusing article about me that ran in the W&M News (from The College of William & Mary my undergraduate institution)
- A brief article in the Cornell Chronicle about my attendance at the 55th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students
- My info from the US delegation website for the 55th Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students
Lecture Courses Given
- PHY 431: Nuclear and Particle Physics
- PHY 610: Quantum Field Theory I
- PHY 611: Quantum Field Theory II
- PHY 613: Advanced Particle Physics
- PHY 620: Modern General Relativity
- PHY 680: Topics in Advanced Particle Physics
Office hours by appointment
Useful Links
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Stony Brook Weather | Particle Theory Rumor Mill | Postdoc Rumor Mill |
This page last updated
Fall 2024