PHY 557 |
Elementary Particle Physics |
Spring 2023 |
Chapter 2 `` Fields for Elementary Particles'': Scalars: free fields and propagators; Dirac Fermions: free fields and propagators; Vectors: free fields and propagators;
Chapter 3 ``From Interaction Amplitudes to Observables'': Example of fermion-scalar interaction: perturbative expansion; Wick's theorem and Feynman rules; Observables: decay width and scattering cross section.
Chapter 4 ``QED for leptons'' : Electromagnetic interaction as a U(1) (Abelian) gauge theory (QED); Feynman rules for QED; Calculation of scattering amplitudes and cross sections at tree level for several processes in QED;
Chapter 5 ``QED and the structure of hadrons'': Concept of form factors; e-p -->e-p elastic scattering: proton form factors; e-p -->e-p elastic inelastic scattering; Bjorken scaling and quarks; quark distribution functions; the gluons.
Chapter 6 ``Strong Interactions: Quantum Chromodynamics'': Representations of SU(N); Evidence of 3 colours: e+e---> hadrons; Lagrangian and Feynman rules for QCD; q qbar interactions: colour singlet and colour octet configurations; Tests of perturbative QCD: Drell-Yan, e+e--> 2 jets and the spin of the quark; e+e- --> 3 jets and the spin of the gluon ; Internal symmetries and classification of bound states of strong interactions (hadrons): SU(2) isospin flavour and SU(3) flavour.
Chapter 7 ``Weak Interactions'': Weak decays and parity violation: V-A weak charged currents; W boson as mediator of weak charged currents; Low energy tests: Weak neutral currents: Z0 and the GIM mechanism; CP violation.
Chapter 8 ``Electroweak Unification'': Weinberg-Salam Model of Electroweak Interactions; Spontaneous symmetry breaking; The Higgs Boson;
Class Notes:
Problem Sets and Grading:
Problem sets will be assigned in
class and are due on the date shown. You are expected to solve them on
your own and the final calculations handed in must be your own work
and must be written by hand .
Late homework will not be accepted. The final grade will be based on
the homeworks and a final work or exam. Attendance and participation will
be also be considered for a part of the grade.
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