C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics

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People at the C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics

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[Faculty] [Staff] [Postdocs] [Visitors] [Students] [Alumni] [Photo Directory]

The following selections list some YITP faculty, students, postdocs, staff, and guests. The phone numbers are dialed from off-campus by replacing the prefix "2" with "632" (area code is "631"). The common mailing address for members of the YITP is:


	C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
	State University of New York
	Stony Brook, NY 11794-3840.

[The YITP FAX number is (631) 632-7954]



Luis Alvarez-Gaume - Professor (Director, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics), Ph.D., Stony Brook University.
SCGP 413, 2-2821, luis.alvarez-gaume stonybrook.edu

Rouven Essig - Professor, Ph.D., Rutgers University.
Math Tower 6-112, 2-7990, Rouven.Essig stonybrook.edu [Homepage]

Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia - Professor, Ph.D., Universidad de Valencia.
Math Tower 6-115A, 2-7971, maria.gonzalez-garcia stonybrook.edu [Homepage]

Yin-Chen He - Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Fudan University.
Math Tower 6-102, 2-7975, yinchen.he stonybrook.edu

JoAnne Hewett - Professor, Ph.D., Iowa State University
Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Director's Office, BNL 631-340-4608, jhewett bnl.gov

Zohar Komargodski - Professor (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics), Ph.D., Weizmann Institute.
SCGP 314, 2-2834, Zohar.Komargodski stonybrook.edu

Vladimir Korepin - Professor, Ph.D., Leningrad University.
Physics D-147, 2-7981, Vladimir.Korepin stonybrook.edu [Homepage]

Patrick Meade - Professor, Ph.D., Cornell University.
Math Tower 6-116B, 2-7985, Patrick.Meade stonybrook.edu [Homepage]

Vivian Miranda - Assistant Professor, Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Math Tower 6-104, 2-7969, Vivian.Miranda stonybrook.edu

Nikita Nekrasov - Professor (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics), Ph.D., Princeton University.
SCGP 513, 2-1555, Nikita.Nekrasov stonybrook.edu

Leonardo Rastelli - Professor, Ph.D., MIT.
Math Tower 6-113, 2-4158, Leonardo.Rastelli stonybrook.edu

Martin Rocek - Distinguished Professor, Ph.D., Harvard University.
Math Tower 6-116A, 2-7965, Martin.Rocek stonybrook.edu [Homepage]

Shu-Heng Shao - Assistant Professor.
Math Tower 6-103, 2-7973, Shu-Heng.Shao stonybrook.edu

Robert Shrock - Distinguished Professor, Ph.D., Princeton University.
Physics 6-111, 2-7986, robert.shrock stonybrook.edu

George Sterman - Distinguished Professor and Director, Ph.D., University of Maryland at College Park.
Math Tower 6-108, 2-7967, George.Sterman stonybrook.edu

Peter van Nieuwenhuizen - Distinguished Professor, Ph.D., Utrecht University.
Math Tower 6-110, 2-7972, peter.vannieuwenhuizen stonybrook.edu

Tzu-Chieh Wei - Professor, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Math Tower 6-115B, 2-7966, tzu-chieh.wei stonybrook.edu [Homepage]

Alexander Zamolodchikov - Yang-Deng Professor and Distinguished Professor, Ph.D. Inst., Theo. and Exp. Physics.
Math Tower 6-109, 2-7962, Alexander.Zamolodchikov stonybrook.edu


Professors Emeriti

Barry McCoy - Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., Harvard University.
Physics D-145, 2-7984, mccoy insti.physics.sunysb.edu [Homepage]

Hwa-Tung Nieh - Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., Harvard University.
nieh insti.physics.sunysb.edu

Warren Siegel - Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley.
Math Tower 6-112, 2-7978, siegel insti.physics.sunysb.edu [Homepage]

William Weisberger - Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Math Tower D-146, 2-7974, weisberg insti.physics.sunysb.edu

Chen Ning Yang - Albert Einstein Professor Emeritus and Former Director, D.Sc., Princeton University; Ph.D., University of Chicago.
Math Tower 6-107, 2-7980, 2-0666, yang insti.physics.sunysb.edu


Adjunct Professors

Sally Dawson - Adjunct Professor, Ph.D., Harvard University.
Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Physics D-145, 2-7985, dawson bnl.gov [Homepage]

Michael R. Douglas - Adjunct Professor, Ph. D., Caltech
Renaissance Technologies and Simons Center for Geometry and Physics
2-2824, mdouglas scgp.stonybrook.edu

Jianwei Qiu - Adjunct Professor, Ph.D., Columbia University.
Jefferson Lab.
Physics D-145, 2-7985, jqiu jlab.org


Dawn Huether - Assistant to the Director of the C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics.
Math Tower 6-106, 2-7979, 2-7980, Dawn.Huether stonybrook.edu

Chi "Ming" Hung - Computer Systems Manager.
Math Tower 5-101, 2-4157, chi.hung stonybrook.edu

Brett Kaplan - Staff Assistant
Math Tower 6-118, 2-7983, brett.kaplan.1 stonybrook.edu


Postdoctoral Associates

Jared Barron
MT 5-103, 2-4169, Jared.Barron stonybrook.edu

Joshua Kable
MT 5-105, 2-4171, Joshua.Kable stonybrook.edu

Aditya Parikh
MT 5-102, Aditya.Parikh stonybrook.edu

Brandon Rayhaun
SCGP, Brandon.Rayhaun stonybrook.edu

Vivek Saxena
MT 5-104, Vivek.Saxena stonybrook.edu





Duncan Adams, MT 6-114, duncan.adams stonybrook.edu
Gleb Aminov, MT 6-117, Gleb.Aminov stonybrook.edu
Dimitrios Athanasakos, D-116, dimitrios.athanasakos stonybrook.edu
Mathieu Boisvert, S-258, mathieu.boisvert stonybrook.edu
Yan Mong Chan, A-105, yanmong.chan stonybrook.edu
Yu Chen, D-116, yue.chen.3 stonybrook.edu
Kyle Capobianco-Hogan, S-107, kyle.capobianco-hogan stonybrook.edu
Anirudh Deb, B-120, anirudh.deb stonybrook.edu
Jay Desai, D-116, jay.desai stonybrook.edu
Matthew Forslund, MT 6-117, matthew.forslund stonybrook.edu
Shihab Fadda, S-258, shihab.fadda stonybrook.edu
Liam Fox, A-108, liam.fox stonybrook.edu
Artemis Giannakopoulou, MT 6-117, ArtemisSofia.Giannakopoulou stonybrook.edu
Jonathan Gordon, D-118, jonathan.gordon stonybrook.edu
Wenhan Guo, D-126, wenhan.guo stonybrook.edu
Megan Hott, B-127, megan.hott stonybrook.edu
Waltraut Knop, MT 6-114, waltraut.knop stonybrook.edu
Mikhail Litvinov, MT 6-117, mikhail.litvinov stonybrook.edu
Megan McDuffie, D-118, megan.mcduffie stonybrook.edu
Nhat Anh Vu Nghiem, B-120, nhatanh.nghiemvu stonybrook.edu
Aswin Parayil Mana, B-120, aswin.parayilmana stonybrook.edu
Yaman Sanghavi, yaman.sanghavi stonybrook.edu
Evan Saraivanov, evan.saraivanov stonybrook.edu
Aman Singal, B-127, aman.singal stonybrook.edu
Yashvinder Singh, A-108, yashvinder.singh stonybrook.edu
Gurulakshmi Subramanian, D-118, gurulakshmi.subramanian stonybrook.edu
Gregory Suczewski, B-120, gregory.suczewski stonybrook.edu
Hiroki Sukeno, A-140, sukeno.hiroki stonybrook.edu
Yu-Ping Wang, D-116, yu-ping.wang stonybrook.edu
Yikai Wu, yikai.wu stonybrook.edu
Hailin Xu, A-140, hailin.xu stonybrook.edu
Hongye Yu, Hongye.Yu stonybrook.edu
Shuyu Zhang, S-258, shuyu.zhang.1 stonybrook.edu
Siwei Zhong, B-120, siwei.zhong stonybrook.edu
Yijie Zhu, ESS 431B, yijie.zhu stonybrook.edu




Student Alumni


Abada, Abdessamad (1992)
Abbud, F.T. (1970)
Ahn, Chang-Hyun (1992)
Akhoury, Ratindranath (1980)
Albano, A.M. (1969)
Albertini, Giuseppe (1990)
Almeida, Leo (2009)
Alvarez-Gaume, Luis (1981)
Alvero, Lyndon (1995)
Anguelova, Lilia (2002)
Appel, David (1988)
Arian, Yair (1986)
Assis, Michael (2014)
Atkatz, David (1979)
AuYang, Helen (1974)
Aybat, S. Mert (2007)
Balakrishnan, Janaki (1972)
Barad, Karen M. (1984)
Barber, James S. (1985)
Barouch, Eytan (1970)
Bastianelli, Fiorenzo (1991)
Basu, Rahul (1984)
Bedell, Kevin (1979)
Berger, Carola (2002)
Bhattacharya, R. (1976)
Bienkowski, R. (1973)
Biswas, Tirthabir (2003)
Bletzacker, F. (1978)
Borde, A. (1982)
Botts, James F. (1989)
Bowlin, J. (1988)
Buscher, Thomas (1988)
Castellani, Leonardo (1982)
Ceresole, Anna (1989)
Chang, Shu-Chiuan (2002)
Chao, Alexander (1974)
Chattopadhyay, Utpal (1984)
Chen, Ning (2011)
Chen, Shou-Fong (1971)
Cheng, K.C. (1974)
Cheng, X.D. (1989)
Chepelev, Iouri (2001)
Chinn, Y. (1983)
Chong, You Quan (2015)
Christensen, Neil (2006)
Chuvakin, Anton (2000)
Clisby, Nathan (2004)
Coker, David (1993)
Collins, Graham (1991)
Coplan, L. (1971)
Corbett, Tyler (2015)
Coriano, Claudio (1992)
Corradini, Olindo (2002)
Costa-Santos, Ruben (2002)
Crichigno, Patricio Marcos (2013)
Dabholkar, Sujan (2014)
Dai, Peng (2009)
Darby, Desmond (1976)
Das, A. (1977)
Dasmahapatra, Srinandan (1992)
Date, Ghanashyam (1982)
Del Duca, Vittorio (1990)
Delius, Gustav (1990)
DiRe, Alexander (2017)
DiStephano, Rosanne (1982)
Durgut, Metin (1978)
Dutt, S. (1987)
Eastaugh, Alexander (1987)
Erdogan, Ahmet Ozan (2014)
Erzan, A. (1976)
Essler, Fabian (1993)
Fan, Chungpeng (1969)
Feldman, Hume (1989)
Feng, Hai-Dong (2007)
Field, Bryan (2005)
Figueirido, F. (1990)
Figuerao-O'Farrill, Jose (1989)
Fischler, Mark (1979)
Fong, Chee Sheng (2011)
Franchini, Fabio (2002)
Freeman, J. (1973)
Fung, Ming (1981)
Gadde, Adhijit (2011)
Galassi Mark (1992)
Galicki, Krzysztof (1987)
Gambardella, P. (1977)
Ganapathi, Venkatesh (1980)
Gasparakis, Charidimos (1995)
Gass, Richard (1981)
Genova, J. (1973)
Gervais, Hualong
Ghosh ,Ranjan Kumar (1983)
Giombi, Simone (2007)
Godbole, Rohini (1979)
Gonzalez-Rey, Francisco (1998)
Gupte, N. (1983)
Haas, Tobias (1987)
Hagiwara, T. (1973)
Hall, C. (1972)
Hall, T. (1972)
Halpern, Paul (1987)
Hamm, J. (1978)
Harris, Brian (1995)
Hasslacher, B. (1971)
Hatch, D.M. (1968)
Hatsuda, Machiko (1991)
Hayot, F. (1971)
Hietarinta, Jarmo (1975)
Hochman, Donald (1971)
Horner, Lenore ()
Huang, Yu-Tin (2007)
Iglesias, Alberto (2002)
Ilachinski, Andrew (1989)
Ionas, Radu (2005)
Irizarry, Melvin (2013)
Ivanov, Ivan T. (1996)
Jain, Dharmesh (2014)
Joglekar, Satish (1975)
Johnson, J. (1968)
Johnson, J.D. (1972)
Ju, Chia-Yi (2016)
Kang, Joo Sang (1972)
Kasman, J. (1973)
Kastella, Keith (1988)
Kazama, Y. (1977)
Kedem, Rinat (1993)
Kenkre, V. (1971)
Kidonakis, Nicholas (1996)
Kim, Byung-bae (1994)
Kimura, Takashi (1990)
Ko, L.F. (1986)
Kohring, Gregory (1987)
Kong, X.P. (1987)
Kucs, Tibor (2003)
Kulaxizi, Manuela (2007)
Kulik, Bogdan (2000)
Kusenko, Alexander (1994)
Labastida, J. (1985)
Laenen, Eric (1992)
Lai, C.K. (1971)
Langfelder, Peter (2002)
Lasker, L. (1979)
Lee, Kiyoung (2007)
Lemos, Madalena (2015)
Lerda, A. (1988)
Li, H.N. (1992)
Liendo, Pedro (2013)
Litvintsev, Andrei (2000)
Lopez, C. (1971)
Lyberg, Ivar (to Math)
Luo, Ma (1992)
Maciejko, Roman (1975)
Magnea, Lorenzo (1990)
Magnea, Lena Ulrika (1993)
Majumdar, D. (1969)
Manivannan, K. (1986)
Maravall, Miguel ()
Martin, G. (1983)
Martinez, Mario ()
Martinez-Torteya, Carlos (2007)
Massari, Andrea (2016)
Matiounine, Iouri ()
Matveev, Victor (1996)
Mendoza, Sergio (1994)
Mikaelian, Kamig (1972)
Milana, J. (1987)
Miller, D. (1971)
Mocioiu, Irina (2002)
Mohan, M. (1981)
Montag, J. (1992)
Montiero, V. (1974)
Moura, Filipe (2002)
Moyer, C. (1971)
Mukhi, Sunil (1981)
Muriel, A.C. (1968)
Nastase, Horatiu-Stefan (2000)
Nian, Jun (2015)
Oderda, Gianluca ()
Orrick, William (1997)
Ostebee, A. (1977)
Pan, Yiwen (2015)
Park, Inyong (2000)
Parwani, Rajesh (1992)
Patu, Ionel ()
Paraan, Francis (2012)
Peelaers, Wolfger (2015)
Peeters, Bastian (1995)
Pernici, Mario (1986)
Phatak, Shashikant (1982)
Pi, So Young (1974)
Polacek, Martin (2017)
Pomoni, Elli (2010)
Pratap, Mahendra (1972)
Ramalho, Anibal Jose (1984)
Ramanan, S.V. (1987)
Ramani, Harikrishna (2017)
Ramos, Eduardo (1990)
Rao, Sumathi S. (1983)
Rauch, R. (1982)
Ray, S. (1994)
Razzaghe-Ashrafi, Babak (1993)
Ricci, Riccardo (2006)
Riemersma, Stephan Todd (1993)
Rim, Chaiho (1987)
Roberts, Lee Alan (1986)
Robles-Llana, Daniel (2004)
Rohrlich, Daniel (1986)
Roiban, Radu (2000)
Roldan, Jose M.R. (1986)
Ryb, Itai (2010)
Saligaros, N. (1978)
Salihoglu, Suleyman Selami (1981)
Sanchez-Velasco, Eduardo (1986)
Santos, Raul (2013)
Schalm, Koenraad (1998)
Schilling, Anne (1997)
Schulz, C.L. (1981)
Sen, Ashoke (1982)
Sen, T. (1986)
Servadio, S. (1972)
Sezgin, Ergin (1980)
Shaw, J.C. (1974)
Sidhu, Deepinder P. (1973)
Sinclair, Donald (1972)
Skenderis, Kostas (1996)
Sotiropoulos, Michael (1994)
Spillane, Michael (2016)
Srednyak, Stanislav (2014)
Stanko, Nanette (1972)
Subramania Prabhakar, Naveen (2017)
Sung, Ilmo (2009)
Sutherland, B. (1968)
Tang, S. (1989)
Tepikian, S. (1986)
Thomas, Dean Cameron (1987)
Tien, Pin-Ju (2015)
Tracy, Craig A. (1973)
Trancanelli, Diego (2007)
Tsai, Shan-Ho ()
Tsao, H.S. (1972)
Tsao, S.T. ()
Tyurin, Eugene Nikolaevich (1996)
Uglov, Denis (1995)
Uy, Zenaida E.S. (1972)
Vaidya, H. (1978)
Valenzuela, Gregory Noble (1985)
Vaman, Diana (2000)
van de Ven, Anton E.M. (1987)
Varughese, Cherian (1989)
Vawter, R.D. (1968)
Vaz, Ricardo (2015)
Velasco, Eduardo Sanchez (1986)
Vepstas, L. (1986)
Vermaseren, Jos (1977)
von Hippel, Matt (2014)
Waldron, Andrew ()
Wang, Yihong (2017)
Wei, Jie (1990)
Weiser, Harold (1996)
West, Colin (2016)
Wiles, Steven (1998)
Will, R. (1975)
Williams, Eric (1993)
Wills, Peter (1986)
Windmeier, Karen Ann (1982)
Wu, Juhao (2002)
Xu, Yan (2012)
Yan, Wenbin (2012)
Yen, Edward (1969)
Yu, Li Hua (1984)
Zanelli, Jorge (1982)
Zeng, Mao (2015)
Zhang, Shou-cheng (1988)
Zhang, Xinyu (2017)
Zhong, Yiming (2016)
Zoubos, Konstantinos (2004)


Postdoc Alumni


Albertini, Giuseppe (1992)
Aoki, Sinya (1989)
Balasubramanian, Koushik (2015)
Ball, Richard (1987)
Bardeen, William (1966)
Bedell, Kevin (1982)
Behrend, Roger (1999)
Belitsky, Andrei (2000)
Berkovich, Alexander (1987)
Berkovits, Nathan (1990)
Bochicchio, Marco (1987)
Bonetti, Federico (2017)
Bougourzi, A. Hamid (1995)
Bucher, Martin (1996)
Cacciari, Matteo (2000)
Carlini Vallilo, Brenno (2004)
Chalmers, Gordon (1995)
Contopanagos, Harry (1991)
Crutchfield, William (1982)
Curtin, David (2014)
deBoer, Jan (1992)
DeSmet, Pieter-Jan (2002)
de Vos, J. (1967)
deWit, Bernard (1975)
Drouffe, Jean-Michel (1978)
Fearing, Harold W. (1972)
Fischbach, Ephraim (1966)
Fishbane, Paul (1966)
Forrester, Peter (1972)
Ganapathi, Venkatesh (1980)
Garcia Saez, Artur (2015)
Giecold, Gregory (2014)
Gonzales, G. (1985)
Grammer, Garland (1974)
Grassi, Pietro Antonio (2001)
Guha, Arundoha (1982)
Hogervorst, Matthijs (2017)
Hoyer, Paul (1981)
Huang, Chingyu (2017)
Itoyama, Hiroshi (1988)
Jain, Vidyut (1992)
Jatkar, Dileep P. (1992)
Jensen, Kristan (2015)
Jin, Bai Qi (2002)
Kao, Yeong-Chuan (1988)
Kaptanoglu, Sinan (1978)
Koller, Jeffrey G. (1984)
Korff, Christian (2000)
Krinsky, Samuel (1977)
Korchemsky, Gregory (1992)
Kubo, Jisuke (1985)
Kurachi, Masafumi (2005)
Lazaroiu, Calin (2000)
Lee, Shih-Chang (1980)
Libby, Stephen B. (1978)
Linch, William (2005)
Maltoni, Michele (2004)
McCarthy, James (1985)
McCoy, Barry (1967)
McDermott, Sam (2017)
Melzer, Ezer (1991)
Mohapatra, R. (1975)
Mueller, Gerhard (1982)
Murthy, Ganpathy (1987)
Nayak, Gouranga (2004)
Niccoli, Giuliano (2013)
Nieh, Hua-Tung (1967)
Nieto, Michael (1967)
Okawa, Masanori (1983)
Ore, Robert (1980)
Pakman, Ari (2005)
Park, Y.J. (1987)
Parnachev, Andrei (2006)
Perk, Jacques (1979)
Pilch, Krysztof (1983)
Prasad, M. K. (1977)
Qiu, Jian-Wei (1989)
Razamat, Shlomo (2011)
Rodgers, Vincent (1988)
Rogers, Ted (2014)
Ryttov, Thomas (2011)
Schellekens, Bert (1985)
Schoutens, Kareljan (1989)
Sevrin, Alexander (1989)
Shiu, Gary (1999)
Sinha, Amarendra (1978)
Smith, John (1967)
Snyderman, Neal (1977)
Soni, Amarjet (1976)
Stephanov, Misha (1998)
Sterman, George (1976)
Stratmann, Marco (2000)
Surujon, Ze'ev (2014)
Tejeda-Yeomans, Maria-Elena (2001)
Townsend, Paul K. (1976)
Thacker, Harry (1976)
Tracy, Craig (1976)
Tung, Wu-Ki (1966)
Van Baal, Pierre (1984)
Van Rees, Balt (2013)
Vandoren, Stefan (2000)
Vogelsang, Werner (1999)
Ward, Richard (1981)
Wilkinson, David J. (1976)
Wimmer, Robert (2006)
Wise, Mark (1974)
Woit, Peter (1984)
Xu, Rui-Ming (1991)
Yamron, John (1989)
Yevich, David (1978)
Yu, Chiu-Tien (2016)
Zhukov. Slava (2000)
Zinn Justin, Jean (1972)
Zinn Justin, Paul (2000)
Zuber, Jean-Bernard (1977)

Last Updated on Friday, 28 February 2025 13:54