C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics

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  • Patrick Meade Elected APS Fellow

  • In memoriam: Alfred Scharff Goldhaber

  • 2024 Student Awards

Peter van Nieuwenhuizen Shares $3M Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for “Invention of Supergravity”. Peter’s work with Dan Freedman and Sergio Ferrara was done at Stony Brook.

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[View the ceremony!]

The Breakthrough Prize cites the “powerful influence" of the supergravity formalism, which provided the first quantum field theory that truly unified gravity with the strong, electromagnetic and weak forces of the Standard Model.   It has served as a link from string theory to many realms of physics and mathematics, with applications to condensed matter and nuclear physics.

This award is only the fifth Special Breakthrough Prize, a category in its own right, and the invention of Supergravity joins the discoveries of gravitational waves, of pulsars, of the Higgs boson, and those of Stephen Hawking, in receiving this recognition.

YITP Associate Sally Dawson of Brookhaven Lab recognized with special DOE Award

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Sally Dawson of BNL has been recognized as a DOE Distinguished Scientists Fellow, one of five nationally.   This program was established by the America COMPETES Act, to support discovery science at National Laboratories.    Sally’s many contributions to particle theory, especially to the theory of the production of the Higgs Boson, are widely known and very influential.   The YITP is proud that Sally has served for a long time as an advisor and collaborator of YITP students.   Her most recent paper with a YITP student is from September, 2019:  “QCD Corrections in SMEFT Fits to WZ and WW production”, in collaboration with Sam Homiller.  Sally will receive $1M in research funding over the next three years to continue her work.


Prof. Vladimir Korepin of the YITP has been awarded a 2019 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity

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Prof. Vladimir Korepin of the YITP has been awarded a 2019 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity in recognition of his record of wide-ranging and influential research.

The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity is a SUNY-wide award intended to recognize consistently outstanding scholarly and creative productivity of its faculty.

Vladimir Korepin has been a Professor at Stony Brook and the C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy since 1989.   He has done important work in quantum gravity, solvable models, statistical mechanics and quantum information.   Vladimir is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, of the Institute of Physics in the United Kingdom, and of the International Association of Mathematical Sciences.


Rouven Essig Named Simons Investigator

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This prestigious appointment begins on August 1, 2019.




Connor Behan wins Stony Brook Presidential Doctoral Research Award

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Connor joins the list of YITP doctoral students who have won the President’s Award for Distinguished Doctoral Research.


Many more YITP students have done distinguished research than can receive this award, but Connor is the seventh YITP winner in the past ten years.   He was preceded since 2006 by Wolfger Peelars (2016), Mao Zeng (2016), Matt von Hippel (2014), Abhijit Gadde (2012), Leandro Almeida (2010) and Ilmo Sung (2010). Our list of even-earlier winners includes Carola Berger (2003), Shu-Chiuan Chang, (2002),  Gianluca Oderda (1999), Shan-Ho Tsai (1998) and Alexander Kusenko (1994).


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