C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics

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  • Patrick Meade Elected APS Fellow

  • In memoriam: Alfred Scharff Goldhaber

  • 2024 Student Awards

Sir Run Run Shaw Distinguished Lecture : What is String Theory?

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Ashoke Sen (Ph.D. Stony Brook,1983)

Harish-Chandra Research Institute

Monday, October 10, 2016

5:30 pm

Lecture Hall

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics


International Celebrations for the Fortieth Anniversary of Supergravity's discovery here at Stony Brook

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Supergravity is a signature discovery of the YITP ...


Winning Plays of the Third SBU Science Playwriting Competition Presented -- Fourth Competition Announced!

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The winning entries of the 2014-15 Stony Brook Science Playwriting Competition were presented in a staged reading at the Simons for Geometry and Physics Center on November 18, 2015. This increasingly popular series will continue into its fourth year, with a call for plays at http://scgp.stonybrook.edu/scienceplays . This program is led by Prof. Christopher P. Herzog of the YITP, and is supported by the Institute, by the Simons Center and the Department of Theater Arts, Stony Brook University.


Robert Shrock Recognized by SUNY Chancellor's Award

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The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity is a SUNY-wide award intended to recognize consistently outstanding scholarly and creative productivity of its faculty.

Rouven Essig Receives Primakoff Award

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YITP Faculty member Rouven Essig is the recipient of the American Physical Society's 2015 Henry Primakoff Award for Early Career Particle Physics. Rouven was cited:

"For seminal contributions to theoretical models of dark matter with new gauge interactions, and for leadership of the APEX experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory."

Rouven joined the YITP faculty in 2011, and is also the recipient of a Sloan Fellowship and DOE Early Career Award.  He is one of a rare breed of theorists who has direct hands-on involvement in the laboratory, in the search for new phenomena in fundamental physics.

More information at http://www.aps.org/programs/honors/awards/primakoff.cfm .


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