C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics

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  • James H. Simons (1938-2024)

  • YITP Grad Xinan Zhou awarded ICTP Prize

  • Alexander Zamolodchikov wins Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

Nikita Nekrasov Awarded 2023 Heineman Prize

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The YITP congratulates our colleague and member, Nikita Nekrasov of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, who will be awarded the 2023 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics by the American Institute of Physics and the American Physical Society. The award cites his "elegant application of powerful mathematical techniques to extract exact results for quantum field theories... integrable models and noncommutative geometry".

The Heineman Prize is among the most prestigious of awards in science, and the Institute is proud that Nikita joins the distinguished list of previous Institute Heineman recipients:  Barry Mccoy, Alexander Zamolodchikov, Peter van Nieuwenhuizen and Dan Freedman.


Getting the word out on quantum information

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Tzu-Chieh Wei, in collaboration with Department colleagues Angela Kelly and Dominik Schneble and with the Hall of Science Museum in New York City, have established an innovative education program QuEST, aimed in familiarizing educators and students at the secondary level with relevant quantum concepts.   Their program has been funded by a $1.5M grant from the National Science Foundation.



Inaugural C.N. Yang Colloquium

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Partnering with the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, the C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics is co-sponsoring the first C.N. Yang Colloquium.  The Yang Colloquium series is envisioned as an annual event, bringing distinguished speakers to the physics community at Stony Brook.   The colloquium, Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves, will be presented by Nobel Prizewinner Barry Barish at the Simons Center auditorium at 4:30pm September 6, 2022. It will be livestreamed here:




Leonardo Rastelli Awarded Humboldt Fellowship

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Humboldt Fellowships are among the prestigious international awards for research and travel. They are designed to recognize internationally-leading senior researchers from all scholarly disciplines for their record of achievements, and to facilitate visits to university and research centers in Germany. Leonardo, who holds the Renaissance Chair of Theoretical Physics, was nominated by the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, and has been awarded a Carl Friedrich von Siemens Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, in recognition of his accomplishments in research and teaching. The fellowship will make possible flexible visits to Munich to lecture and develop collaborations.


Robert Shrock Named Distinguished Professor

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The Institute is proud that its long-term faculty member Robert Shrock has been appointed to the rank of Distinguished Professor in recognition of his numerous contributions to the theory and phenomenology of high energy physics. Robert's work helped establish the electroweak sector of the Standard Model of elementary particles and forces, and continues to provide guidance to experimental searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. ...


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