C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics

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  • Patrick Meade Elected APS Fellow

  • In memoriam: Alfred Scharff Goldhaber

  • 2024 Student Awards

High civilian award of India to YITP alumna, Prof. Rohini Godbole

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Rohini Godbole of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, graduated from the ITP in 1979, having studied with our late colleague, Jack Smith.  Forty years later, Dr. Godbole is a 2019 recipient of the Padma Shri Award, joining  Ashoke Sen (awarded 2001) as YITP alumni winners of Padma awards.  The Padma awards are presented  by the government of India to civilians for distinguished achievements and service in all fields.  Her important work in particle theory is internationally known, and she is a member of the most prestigious scientific academies in India.   She is also celebrated as an advocate of women in science, and her book Lilivati’s Daughters features essays by Indian women of science, several of which recount formative professional experiences at Stony Brook.

George Sterman presents 2018 Heinrich Hertz Lecture at DESY on the way to Vienna’s Schroedinger Guest Professorship

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The Heinrich Hertz Lecture is an annual English-speaking public event, presented  in Hamburg Germany each September, by an invited scientist at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY).

This lecture is a memorial to Heinrich Hertz, the native of Hamburg whose nineteenth century demonstration of electromagnetic radiation in the laboratory provided a cornerstone of science and technology ever since.




Quantum Information Event at Stony Brook

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YITP and DPA faculty figure large in the University's effort to build a Quantum Information Science (QIS) community of researchers.

This all-day event on February 25th will involve over two hundred Stony Brook participants and guests.



Thinking big with Patrick Meade and former YITP student Hari Ramani

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A new history of how we got here, published in Physical Review Letters describes how our understanding of how the symmetries of the Standard Model behaved in the early universe may have to change.


Best paper award to Connor Behan and advisor Leonardo Rastelli

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Their paper with S. Rychkov and S. Zan in Journal of Physics A was honored for "novelty, achievement, potential impact and presentation", for describing a new example of the extraordinary idea of duality.

Duality is a principle of physics that has only been recognized in the past few decades, in which two theories that are superficially different lead to the same physical consequences.


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